Filtering options

I’m finding filtering with the bounding box to be extremely difficult and slow to use. I’ve read elsewhere that the filtering tool is being worked on. Any update on this?

Also, is it possible to filter the sparse cloud pre-reconstruction? Seems like it’d be easier to just get rid of those unwanted points before they got meshed.




Me too!

I am unable to have it reconstruct the regions that I have selected, it reverts to the original auto-alignment.  The “Filter Tool” is a reference to something that is absent, the box, and advanced tools are difficult to apply.  I got it to work once and don’t recall what made it work.  I thought that I started a new model.  But when I do it just reverts to what I had an hour before.  Once I have the object highlighted or what I want deleted highlighted, what do I do to get it to run and produce the model?


OK now it works for me  when I do this;    RECONSTRUCTION tab  / Select from Lasso, or Rect, or  Box  /  also Advanced  / and Filter Selection.  Filter Selection is the GO button


Hello toeppen,

Filter Selection becomes active after you select some triangles in the reconstructed model. You can find more information about filtering tool in the application ‘Help -  Filter’ and more information how to use new selection tools in the ‘Help - Useful Workflows and Tools - Selection of Triangles in 3D’.