Filter session results by if a boolian is true or not in the server session widget.

So this is a bollian I have in a server session widget, which is used in an array to store information for info about things. It mostly exists to make it visual to see each individual server with some of it’s data.

In another widget, I gather the sessions and display them. Off the Find Sessions, I want to check if a bollian I have for this widget is on or off. If off, then it is normal. If on, then I want to filter the results by the servers set up with the server session with it’s bollian turned on. How possible is this and how is it done? With the session server widget, it changes visually with a text box (named “Servername1”) with the contents changing depending on if the bollian is turned on or off there as well.

I know there is the “filter session results” off the results of the Find Sessions, but for some reason it always reports back as true. Is there something I am missing?