Like the title says. (I’m working on an Editor utility blueprint). I can see a node called “Filter array” but which only works for Actor references, not Object references. When I google it it seems like there’s supposed to be a “Filter by class” node but I can’t find it anywhere.
Hey there @martyysmart! I’m not super involved into the tools development but I believe the node you’re looking for is the Filter by class node as you say. Filter array is usable in game, but filter by class is editor utility only, so you should be able to access it while working on an editor utility BP or an editor utility widget BP. If you cannot see it while working on the editor utility, try unlocking the context menu, it sometimes gets in the way for me.
Here’s the documentation reference: Filter by Class | Unreal Engine Documentation
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks for the quick reply! I can’t seem to find the Editor Scripting > Utilities tab (see attached image). The Blueprint is Editor utility, with Asset Action utility as Parent class, if that could be part of the issue?
Hmmm, I’m able to access it from my Asset Action Utility derived child class. That being said I’m in UE5.03 so I’ll check it out on 4.27 as you are. That might be the difference!
Yep! There it is, so apparently in 4.27 Editor Action Utility doesn’t have that function off the bat.
That’s a bummer… I tried to do the filtering manually (as in the image), but when I try to add the filtered objects to the array at the end, the object references are incompatible with the material instance constant type. (It has to be MIC type to be accessed later on in the BP). Do you have any idea how to solve this?