Film and Video unreal preset

Epic love what you are doing with Unreal, but can you please change the film and video preset to already have all the settings like r.raytracing.culling 0 already on so we don’t have to turn these on each working session and also add them as a movie render queue console command. We are not working on games on cinematics, so all the game setting are pointless for us. So please make our lifes easier and turn on on the best setting by default.

To make the setting “r.raytracing.culling 0” the default in your installation
In Windows File Explorer right-click the file select “Edit in Notepad” or just open
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini

Type Control+f keys and type in the box
Press enter or the down-arrow
; Company name Changed default setting for all projects new and old

Type the Contol +s keys to save changes and exit. Restart UE 5.4 and the new value is working

If you need a single project to set changes using the Project Settings function