Files not getting cooked

I’m trying to cook my game ahead of distribution. It looks like only maps are getting cooked and not upk files. I need the upk files too. I have tried listing all of my upks in both my game’s Engine.ini [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] section and in the bat file I use to cook packages.

Here is the command in the bat file.

Win64\RPGTacGame.exe CookPackages -platform=PC HimekoSutoriContent.upk HimekoSutoriContentNew.upk HimekoSutoriContent3.upk RPGTacParticles.upk RPGTacCity2.upk Prefabs.upk RPGTacCaves.upk RPGTacCaves2.upk RPGTacCaves3.upk RPGTacContent.upk RPGTacMenu.upk RPGTacRocks.upk RPGTacInteriors.upk RPGTacInteriors2.upk RPGTacMenu.upk RPGTacWorld2.upk RPGTacWorldMountains.upk SobelEdgeContent.upk HimekoSutoriMusic.upk HimekoSutoriMusic2.upk HimekoSutoriMusic3.upk HimekoSutoriMusic4.upk HimekoSutoriMusic5.upk HimekoSutoriMusic6.upk HimekoSutoriMusic7.upk Sounds.upk Sounds2.upk Sounds3.upk SoundClassesAndModes.upk EditorLandscapeResources.upk EditorMaterials.upk EditorMeshes.upk EditorResources.upk EditorShellMaterials.upk Engine_Lights.upk Engine_MI_Shaders.upk EngineApexResources.upk EngineBuildings.upk EngineMaterials.upk EngineDebugMaterials.upk EngineMeshes.upk EngineProduction.upk EngineResources.upk EngineSounds.upk EngineVolumetrics.upk MapTemplateIndex.upk MapTemplates.upk MaterialTemplates.upk MobileEngineMaterials.upk MobileResources.upk NodeBuddies.upk HS_Legal.umap HS_StartMenu.umap HS_GameOver.umap HS_Squad_01.umap HS_Squad_02.umap HS_Squad_03.umap HS_Squad_04.umap HS_Squad_05.umap HS_Squad_06.umap HS_Squad_07.umap HS_Squad_08.umap HS_Squad_09.umap HS_Squad_10.umap HS_Squad_11.umap HS_Squad_12.umap HS_Squad_13.umap HS_Squad_14.umap HS_Squad_15.umap HS_Squad_16.umap HS_Squad_17.umap HS_Squad_18.umap HS_Squad_19.umap HS_Squad_20.umap RPGTacEntry.umap RPGTacSquadMain.umap Beta_AcademyTower.umap Beta_Base.umap Beta_Battlefield_Beach01.umap Beta_Battlefield_Beach01day.umap Beta_Battlefield_Cave01.umap Beta_Battlefield_Forest01.umap Beta_Battlefield_Forest01day.umap Beta_Battlefield_Forest01night.umap Beta_SunriseFalls.umap Beta_SunriseFalls_Daytime.umap Beta_SunriseFalls_Intro.umap Beta_SunriseFalls_MarketFight.umap Beta_SunriseFalls_Night.umap Beta_SunriseFalls_Slimes.umap Beta_World_01.umap -final_release -full

And this is in my RPGTacEngine.ini file:


And here is the log that tells me that these upk files should be getting cooked.

[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\HimekoSutoriContent.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\HimekoSutoriContentNew.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\HimekoSutoriContent3.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacParticles.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacCity2.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Prefabs.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacCaves.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacCaves2.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacCaves3.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacContent.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacMenu.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacRocks.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacInteriors.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacInteriors2.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacMenu.upk for cooking...
[0032.90] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacWorld2.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\RPGTacWorldMountains.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\SobelEdgeContent.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic2.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic3.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic4.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic5.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic6.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\HimekoSutoriMusic7.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\Sounds.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\Sounds2.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\INT\Sounds3.upk for cooking...
[0032.91] Log: Adding package ..\..\RPGTacGame\Content\Sounds\SoundClassesAndModes.upk for cooking...

But then I check the CookedPC directory and none of my upk files are there.

When I start the game with -seekfreeloading there’s a lot of content missing. And when I don’t use -seekfreeloading, the game won’t start at all, telling me instead that scripts need to be rebuilt, and then it fails because it can’t find the UnrealScript files.

Anyone know how I should cook all of the content I want cooked?

UDK doesn’t cook packages into .udk files, only maps. the same stands true for UE3 unless you modify the engine.
if I remember correctly what happens is that maps get cooked into its own individual files while the rest of the stuff gets either:

  • packaged into the monolithic Textures.tfc file (textures)
  • packaged into the CharTextures.tfc package (for character textures, not sure how it chooses what goes there, maybe from the TextureGroup of each texture)
  • packaged into the monolithic Startup.upk (most likely packages that are marked as startup packages)
  • cooked into the map, per map (duplicated into each)

but no, you will never find your packages cooked as individual counterparts to your development packages

I add my packages to [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] with *+Package=Something *as opposed to +SeekFreePackage=Something. perhaps this difference is what’s causing the missing content?

Thanks Chosker! I changed +SeekFreePackage to +Package, and that puts the missing content in. I would be content with that, but because I’m shipping the editor, I also need the content available there. That may be an unrelated problem though, and I need to dig into that more. But at least for now I have my content back.

glad that worked! it was a shot in the dark :smiley:

ah you’re shipping the editor, that complicates things so much
IIRC Chivalry had to ship all content twice (cooked and uncooked) which made for a cumbersome setup.
For HeroesVII we only shipped cooked packages but we modified the engine so that game maps and packages weren’t openable/writable by the shipped editor. It worked for us because it was just a “map editor” and not something to make content packages with. the editor changes we made were a ton of work tho

I know I am digging up an old thread, but both of you seem somewhat knowledgable and active. I am currently using UDK to modify a pretty old game, Infinity Blade 3, made by Epic using Unreal Engine 3. I do use the UI for Unreal Frontend, but I absolutely can use the console. It seems that Epic was able to cook individual UPKs/model files without making it cooked into the map. They are individual cooked files, and I am wondering how they were able to make them. Thank you for your help

if you haven’t already, read this doc to get acquainted with the cooking process: UDK | ContentCooking (

now, as far as I know UDK is forced to use .tfc files and therefore can’t cook non-seekfree packages (I could be wrong though).
Other UE3 games that allow modding and ship their own UE3 editor (Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, M&M Heroes VII), sometimes allow cooking packages directly. however often those games have changes in the internal file format which make them specific to that game.

If you add them to here


they will get added to the StartupPackages