FilenamToLongPackageName failed to convert ''. The result would be indistinguishable from using '' as the filename

When i launched my project after building it, the game crashes at launch and this message pop-up.
I create my project on Unreal Engine 4 at the beggining and converted it to version 5. maybe that’s why.
It’s a project 100% BluePrints.
Thanks for your help.

I recreated the same project with unreal 5.0 preview and it’s work.
Creating a project with unreal engine 4 and converting it to unreal 5 caused this bug, but i don’t know why.

Hi, did you found out what whas the problem? I’ve got same issue now, but my project was created with UE5

Any other way around this one? Im using a project from marketplace not made orgiinally in ue5