File Media Source (short video clip) playing too brightly

I’m still new to UE5 and have been trying to figure out how to play short video clips on arcade and TV screens in my scene.

I figured out how to add a file media source, media player, and then dragged the file media source itself into the scene, which formed on its own plane, and then I resized that plane to lay over the screen I want it on.

The problem is that the video plays so brightly that I can’t really see the images in the video. I tried searching through videos and forums for answers, but most answers seem to reference some other cinematic, rendering, or method of adding videos that is different from what I did.

Is there a simple way to adjust the brightness of the media source files? Adjusting any other brightness setting I can find only affected the atmosphere in my scene, not the videos, and I can’t find brightness options in the video or media files or players.

Thanks for helping me figure this out.

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I have the same problem