File import problem - empty

Hi Another problem i have with import.

Can anyone check ? I exported file same way, they open in windows 3d viewer and other software but first ZK dom1.fbx can import to Twinmotion well but second not... empty.

And here is TM file i want to put ZK dom1w5c file WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

Your second two files do load up in TM - they're just located very far away from the first. I imported all three FBX files into a blank TM scene and pressed F to locate them - all three show up, but only the first is located near the 0,0,0 center.

Just curious - are you exporting from Microstation? If so, v8i creates unreliable FBX models - rather use CE for consistent results.

Screenshot 2023-01-14 092751

Thanks for "F" tip and great that they open and works. Yes something wrong with my 0 - must check.

Both import from v8 and Connect works fine but i am most using Connect because it has switch double side and i no need make solids from flat surface like glazing....

All files previously works great but this one failed.