

Hello everyone!

I am looking for some feedback on FieldGrassPackVol1 and how I can make it look a little more realistic. Honestly I love the interactive effect it as and want that level of detail. To me the color looks off but I’d love to hear what you all have to say and any suggestions you may have.

-make sure to use the light setup from the demo level + then just modify it so that it fits your needs
-use the “change colour” node in the material to adjust the colour so that it fits to the ground
-place the meshes in a natural way -> e.g under a tree you will find just some few + small grass meshes
-use a good ground texture (will be included with the 4.10 update)

(had to resize the picture -> bad quality)

-post a closer pic of your mesh placement -> so that we can see in detail how you have placed it (e.g height variation,…)