FIELD OF FORGOTTEN FIRE | Haunting Gusts Of A New Horror Experience

it is finally time to begin sharing my newest and largest project yet. As it is quite far into development, and I have much to share on the journey for this game. I also have many questions and details I wish to share on this game as I am revealing it here, and softly but not softly beginning a dev-blog here. This project is nearly underway by now, and I’ve been burning to share this!

The perspective and gameplay style is unlike nothing I’ve played or even developed myself before. And it was sort of born out of experimentation and passion. And what I mean by this is more complicated from the surface. but before I share the history of the dang project, let me share the first few components of my game, field of forgotten fire.

Its like Silent Hill, But as a visual novel (No UI elements in these SS)

I have a few mind-bending puzzles coming

there is also an on the fly lighting scenario changer, an admittedly cosmetic but also total mood changer for the whole story.

and lastly, a Mini game component that will be sure to challenge you! (Sharing Soon!)

this is just the beginning. I have much more to share.

The gameplay will be visual novel-like, as you explore the field through these fixed camera angles, and that’s right, no character behind them. your journey through this story will be mounted atop delicately curated shots that will leave you either curious, confused, or terrified.

my questions;

  • Should I also start a Youtube channel discussing this game and gaming-related topics?
    this game has an interesting backstory and is currently unfolding.

  • I will have a demo ready soon, Multiple in fact! But where else should I share this project?

  • What do you think of this project so far? confused? more will be revealed!

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