FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

Thank you for information.
The wheels are rotating with fgear vehicle if i turn off simulate physics as your described.What difference does it make between the two vehicle system by your project?
Some things are not recorded such as skidmarks. I will keep trying and let you know if there is improvement.

great work man :smiley: exactly what I was looking for

Hi, the problem is, even if I switched off the simulation option, for FGEAR vehicle, the wheel steering and rotation still doesnt work. I followed the quick start tutorial on Youtube to set up the basic sedan. I`m using UE 4.23.

Can you watch this video to see difference. Some options could not seen about my video recorder (Iam using default win10 recorder).
edit: added second video to easily see wheels rotating

So now it`s very interesting, I tested some cars in the template, for Sedan_BP(also the drift version) it works, but for the Truck and 4WD/FWD it doesnt work. But 4WD is very important for me, could you have a look what cause the problem.

Hi! When you delete mStandardInput in FGearVehicle causes the crash of the engine . What do I need to fix in the components so that <Input> is not entered through mStandardInput but through SetThrottle? Yes it’s silly to delete mStandardinput but I really need it. Thank You

you are completely on the wrong track. core modules can not be removed, you can disable mStandardInput and build your own input management.
Also you can not use WheeledVehicleMovement component since it is not releated to fgear. check MobileInput map and MobileUI widget(in the sample project) for an example.




Привет! Функцию ввода (WheeledVehicleMovement) я приведу в качестве примера ;). Ok функция (установить дроссель) имеет “PedalState”. Как я могу использовать это значение?

if (verticalAxis != 0.0f) throttleState = verticalAxis > 0.0f ? 1 : -1; else throttleState = 0;

which means it is 1 if you press throttle, -1 if you press brake, 0 else.

I have exported sedan_skelmesh and again import as another car in editor. It did not work. I will let you know if resolved.

You can explain how to turn the steering wheel in FGearAnimBP (which variable is responsible for this)?

you mean animating the actual steering wheel? it is not supported internally, you need to do it yourself.
AFGearVehicle::getNormalizedSteering function will return a value between -1,1], you can use that value.

Yes, Can mStandardInput return axis values for (Steering,Throttle and etc)?

standard input does not store those values, it is possible that you can disable standard input and use an alternative input system.

steering angle(assuming front axle can steer) : vehicle.getNormalizedSteering() * vehicle.getAxis(0).getMaxSteerAngle()
throttle : vehicle.getEngine().getThrottle()
brakes(for front left wheel here) : vehicle.getAxle(0).getLeftWheel().getBraking()

input key not working on sandbox
i cant select any vehicles key 1-6 not working

do you mean the demo or the sample project?
are you sure the viewport has focus?

I have created a bug report about sequence recorder. I will share link when published.
Also i saw many bug report about sequence recorder animations issues.
Lets wait and see

Gamemode should FGearGameModeBase. can you check it

Any eta on 4.24?

normally we plan to put it with the next release which is planned to be available in late january.
if its urgent we may be able to upload it in a week but not sure if epic team will be there to approve it(christmas holiday).