FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

the components that are in “Extra” category are meant to be used for prototyping not for production so their features are limited or unpolished. it’s the same deal with the orbit camera so you need to roll your own solution or modify existing ones. you can check unreal’s spring arm component as a starting point.

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Hi @marcopasha_tr there are a few nice guides for cameras also some great plugins available for dynamic cameras, I myself use a combination to get the desired results.

Try setting up a PhysMat for your objects, in this instance your walls.

What he said. This tutorial helps a lot and applies to Fgear. How to Create a Car Racing Game in Unreal Engine 5 - UE5 Beginner Tutorial - YouTube

Hello, is it possible to open example project from 4.27 on 5.1.1?
It says that

How i open example on 5.1.1?
UPD: Found interesting way to fix it, migrated from 4.27 to clean 5.1.1 and it worked.

Hello, your comment helped a lot, thought i am doing something wrong:)
Didn’t know that Convex in 5.1 still an issue, any news about fix? By no means in a hurry, but I would like to know about when to expect a fix.

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Hey Guys,

I have one question, so everything is ready and set i also configured my first vehicle and it works overall i understand it and its a great asset.
although i have one question its a wierd one, somehow Fgear doesn’t seem to pick up landscapes for whatever reason idk. im trying to understand what is causing this but i think its more likely a bug with the asset itself.

How can i fix this?

probably same deal with the commenter before you, use line trace for now, convex casting will be fixed in the next update.

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yea i figured it out aswell, sphere does work aswell, which works good too with landscape although the next issue is that the vehicle wont pick up landscape physical materials, i dont know a way around that for now aswell. did you ever try that one out?
thanks for your activity and great plugin.

you can retrieve the hit result from fgear so let me know if you can get the physical material with a regular line trace but not with fgear.

i have so many issues hahaha idk what is going on is it fully supported for 5.1 yet? i get packaging issues etc.
also c++ side does give me a lot of errors when packaging or rebuilding the project :confused: something with chaos and all packages deprecated.

also is there a link for a 5.1 demo project the download links on top is confusing.
i only found 4.7

A future update will be to be able to set wheel bone names via blueprint.

Will friction multiplier on regular phys material work for Fgear?

sample project is for the base version, right click and update it to any version you need.

no, it should be an FGearPhysicalMaterial(assuming you’re using effects component) but it is an easy mod if build from source.

okay yea i figured that, i switched my UE version to 5.2 and got everything working so far.
chaos updated some stuff in its physics thing, so i will have to update some references soon. but overall its great stuff. although i figured that version i believe 1.6.1 is having a bug with the high rpm rev thing. although your sound system so far is great i do believe its not the best way atleast for me to do engine related sound stuff and id like a checkbox with the next update that will come to untick engine sounds.

if you think there is a bug please do report via mail with a video and any extra info needed to recreate the issue.

i fixed landscape convex tracing works now for me,
also im super unsure of what cause my car to always sound ■■■■ using your samples i upload a video next 10 mins

nvm its my rpm hahaha