FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

Oh i see, but not understand how is this a feature ¿?, not should they reduce speed and stop? What is the advantage or what is the feature im missing to do that?

is there any way to disable this feature? I tried with rolling resistance and other stuff but nothing seems to work.

didn’t try to fix it because that’s what happens with a real car.
you can detect a flip over and switch to neutral gear or stop the engine.
it could also be prevented with a code modification but that’s more risky.

With a gear engaged and no tire friction whatsoever, the wheels can spin freely at the engine’s idle rpm, well at least the driving wheels. I didn’t try but normally if you press the clutch, the wheels should also stop rotating (like in neutral).

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Hello @lazybitgames , is it possible to make the 4wd drift or power slider without Traction control? I recently realized that this is not possible, meanwhile I saw videos in real life that cars that have 4wd can do powerslider and drift, any suggestions?

I would also like to know if it is possible to make the 3d tachometer can obtain the precise data of the rpm and speed, if it is possible please tell me, because I am also doing that and I don’t know where to start @lazybitgames

Good morning @DFKETGS2, it certainly is possible.

There are many examples of a speedometer around the marketplace and the forums which are based on default UE PhysX vehicles or the UE Chaos vehicles. You can use those examples as a starting point an then use the Fgear code/nodes to push this data to your speedometer.

Brief example

Have a browse and see whats around.

it is much more difficult to drift with a 4wd vehicle, some brands put a drift mode that sends more power to rear axle. so what you have to do is to trick your way to get the behavior you want. that trick could involve any kind of drive assist, playing with power transfer at runtime, having less friction/more spin on rear wheels etc.

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we already have a tachometer, it’s just digital, have a look at AFGearVehicle::drawTelemetryGauge function and you can find the corresponding BP functions for required data.

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but what about a 3D tachometer? like this image? How would it be done to calculate the rpm correctly in rotation of the shaft?

If I understand correctly, this is not FGear question but rather, a vehicle games/sim question.
It is not that hard, you need to use at least two images - one is for the background, and the second is for needle. The needle (an image widget) can be rotated and you can use “float curve” to achieve the mapping ie what widget angle = 0kmh for an example.
Build the float curve table and you will achieve it. If you need more information, you can ask…

But the widgets are not antialiased and the needle will look bad.

If you are worried about jaggies when rotated, it looks fine. Try it yourself and adjust the angle manually (no need programming).

hey @lazybitgames , I want to do some sequences with the car, the sequence recorder seems to work but I don’t know, what is the best method to do cinematics with the cars running?

update : When I use the sequence recorder and finish recording, the car moves fine in the viewport, but when I render the video the car (mesh) doesn’t show up and doesn’t even move

sorry never used sequencer before and no idea why that happens, maybe some other people can help.

Hi. Engine version 5.1
Terrible jumps in convex tracing and landscape.
Is it possible to fix this?

we’ve mentioned this issue if you check the latest changelog.

we suspect that it is a bug in chaos, no solution yet.

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Has this bug been added to the bug tracking system?

How do I set the rotation and torque of the wheel from the blueprint? Set speed adds rotation but torque is zero

In general, the task is to implement just such a two-wheeled vehicle such as a segway. I need the ability to spin the wheels individually right from the blueprint.

setSpeed is not meant to be used for such action, the way to drive the wheels is to apply torque via differentials.

your task can not be physically simulated with fgear unless you make the necessary changes to code.

what I would do is to come up with a way to fake it somehow.

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