FGear Vehicle Physics (v1.4)

may be substepping works fine and we are not yet able to utilize it.

but regardless chaos has many more issues and without proper physics, who can use this engine for production, so they need to fix it eventually.

What officials say? Didn’t touched 5.0 for year, i thought since then they fixed at least most issues with chaos.

I think the FCalculateCustomPhysics delegate is deprecated in UE5. But this Delegate returns DeltaTime = game FPS in UE5. I suggested above that you can use CustomPhysicsThread like ChaosVehicles. :slightly_smiling_face:

tried that the delta times seems fine but the physics response is worse. still looking into it.


β€œphysics response is worse” What do you mean? You can create and connect AddForce and other functions, like Chaos.

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I believe what he means is chaos physics has different feeling and response compared to UE4’s Physx.

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What negative effect it would have? Can it be used without substepping?

I would like to be released anyway, because without that I cannot even start working to porting the game to UE5.

I would like to see the updated FGearPlugin UE5.0 with new features even without substepping :slightly_smiling_face:

good news, some more tidying up and v1.6 will be available soon for both ue4 and ue5.


Is this with Chaos? have you fixed the issues you had with this?

yes, most of the known issues are worked out but the overall driving feel is a little bit different though.


Even with Substepping? It’s great!:slight_smile:

Great work Yunus, look forward to testing

v1.6 is available now

Unreal5 support
Custom gravity option
Custom gravity sample map
Better hard contact implementation
Ability to offset casting origin
Improvements and bug fixes

-To use the example project with Unreal5 copy the FGearPlugin folder in Unreal5\Engine\Plugins to FGearExample\Plugins folder.

Additional Notes:
-Due to unsolved/undiscovered issues with chaos the overall driving behavior might be different then UE4.
-Without substepping you can get ensure fails in the log with chaos.
-Use custom gravity with chaos or your vehicles can freeze/stop in air for no reason.
-All sample vehicles are set to use custom gravity.
-Convex casting used to generate lateral suspension forces, they are eliminated for correct behavior.
-Blocking hits are forced for all raycasts/sweeps.
-The sphere used in custom gravity map does not match its collider so wheels can penetrate the sphere.
-Added an option to override collision channel for custom colliders.
Somehow default WorldDynamic channel does not collide with the world with chaos so we set it to WorldStatic in the samples.
-New hard contact scale parameter can behave jumpy with high values, use a reasonable value like 0.2-0.3.
-The order of brake/engine torque generation is swapped.
If engine torque is more then brakes then the wheels will spin. This will make it easier to make burnouts.
-All force/torque/impulses are accumulated and applied at the same time now.
-If your wheels get stuck under the ground when the vehicle falls from height then you can use the cast offset parameter.
A positive value will offset the origin of the casts along the suspension normal.
Use a reasonable number to keep the origins inside the vehicle hull. You can activate the telemetry gizmo to view the origins.
-High friction engines could generate negative torques and the vehicle could travel backwards, this is fixed now.
-4.25 support is dropped, epic do not allow more then 3 versions to be uploaded.



Just went to install to UE5 - said it was queued, nothing happened and now cant find in my vault or engine/plugins weird will check again tomorrow as late here.

thanks for the warning, i’ve also checked and i think they’ve uploaded the wrong files, sent a mail to support.

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Morning, just tried and indeed still says 4.27 for me, will check later also to see if that has been updated at all before I install the plugin and embark on my HUGE migration to UE5 for my project.

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the issue is fixed, you can grab the latest files now.


just tried 1.6 in UE5 and got what you mean :upside_down_face:

β€œThe order of brake/engine torque generation is swapped.”

Is possible to know where is this code? and what was the original one? (previos version)

I had my own burnout system and other stuff that with this ner version the overall behaviour is wrong, so wonder if maybe is this, so want to test and set like in the previous version to see if fixes for me.