What’s the easiest way to make a camera go down a different path, with some kind of signal or whatever? My current solution is to clone two camera paths, have them diverge at a certain point, and toggle them. It’s kinda cumbersome and I have a hunch there might be an easier way.
What’s a nice way to make a camera go down a path and then loop a small part of the path forever? I know you can loop the whole thing easily, but I dunno about a small part.
If that’s of any help, my way to switch between cameras is just by using a director track and adding a key frame whenever I want to switch between cameras.
This tutorial is very good for understanding how cinematics work in UE3:
Afraid I’m going to bump this again, since I haven’t really found a satisfactory solution.
What I’m looking for is a seamless transition rather than a fade or switch, so basically a way for a camera to actually interpolate from one motion to another, either through matinee, kismet or unrealscript.
I was hoping I could just use unrealscript to force move the camera (possibly reading its acceleration to smooth out the motion) but a matinee-controlled camera seems to ignore setlocation commands for some reason, even if the matinee is stopped, so that seems to be out.
I did something like that in matinee a few weeks ago(rail shooter and have to select left or right path, and if I selected right path the camera goes to the end and than goes back to the starting point it begin>reverse animation and attaches to the left path animation)
Just as you say it
The black dot and yellow dot are 2 cameras that are in the same x,y,z location.
Also if I do a path and i want to ‘‘blend the transition’’ For example I animate the camera from point A to point B and while having still matinee opened and the camera is at the last frame of the animation>i select the camera and do a ctrl+c and ctrl+v .I close matinee and now I have a second camera to animate that will start at the exact location of where the first camera ends its animation and its seamless.
Im not sure if that is the info you were asking for as I got carried over.Also ive seen videos on youtube about splines.I suspect that a camera can be attached to splines and use its paths??(never tried it but it sounds cool if possible)
That’s actually exactly what I’m looking for, with just one small problem.
It’s pretty easy to do that transition (well I think there is still a small problem with the acceleration being lost…so not perfectly seamless but eh) when you have a fixed point where you plan on switching between the cameras, because you can position both in the right place.
It’s much harder when that point where the cameras must be switched can be dynamic, you have to transition somehow between the cameras smoothly otherwise there will be a jump from camera A to camera B and I haven’t found a way to do that.
A few things come to mind about this. I think the acceleration can be fixed.In matinee, with you camera layer selected, click the small empty square check box below and it will launch the curve editor in matinee.Just flatten out the tangents and they will have the same speed.No ease in or out, just flat speed and that way for all of the cameras.
If by dynamic camera switch you mean fast moving cameras, than probably pause the camera animation in the right moment and start the next animation from the position of the paused camera? Or probably even teleport and attach a new camera to the moving one in the right moment?
Oh, I forgot about the curve editor, thanks for reminding me.
The problem is if the second camera moves to the position of the first camera (that is, if matinee lets you do it from unrealscript in the first place…) then the whole trajectory of the camera will move with it, so the motion won’t look right anymore, the camera will go to the wrong destination.
Can you make a 2d drawing? (simple lines like mine) to show what type of camera situation/trajectory you are looking for.(im having little difficult time to imagine the scene/moment you are after)
Or even a screenshot from udk to illustrate what you are going for.
Drawing on the left:
The blue line is the normal camera, it moves around in various ways until a boss is destroyed, when that happens, the camera should begin to move like the red line shows, seamlessly and regardless of its position when the boss is defeated which could be anywhere. The camera closely follows the boss exploding around in the background.
Drawing on the right:
An attempted solution to solve this problem is by including both motions in the same matinee of the same camera. The blue line shows the first part of the camera’s motion which has it move in a loop at the end, then after completing a loop or two the camera moves forward like the red line shows.
In-game, once the loop is reached we will use unrealscript to force the matinee back in time to where the loop begins over and over, so that the red part of the motion doesn’t play until the boss is defeated. When the boss is defeated we disable the looping behavior and boost the matinee’s playing speed so the final part of the matinee is reached relatively quickly and we follow the boss.
I thought this would work but it’s no good
a) the acceleration if you are too far from the “loop point” is too fast and and obviously hacky, it doesn’t look good enough.
b) the looping motion at the end is restrictive and also feels a bit fake
Apologies for the delay mate
It is tricky as you say and im puzzled as you.Random things comes to mind now.Maybe instead of using one camera and different matinees for its movement, you have to chop this down to unique cameras that have their own matinee that’s is triggered at the right moment and have each camera attached to each other.Let me explain.
I was looking at the jazz mini game and in the map we have camera 1 which is the player camera and inside camera 1 there is camera 10 which is attached to camera 1.When the player dies,his body is attached to camera 10 which plays its death camera animation seamlessly and after that you can use that camera (as the players one).
Another thing.Ive set a small kismet to try. A camera is attached to a player and to that camera i have another one attached like in jazz. I went to a trigger and when touched it I used a detach of the player camera>than I set a camera target on the player(the camera that was attached to the player camera) and that one started to loop in a circle around the player.The looping of the matinee was performed not with the looping checkbox but instead with a delay of 0.1.Also rewind on play,no reset on rewind and rewind if playing are checked on.When i ‘‘kill the boss’’ i trigger a node that stops the 0.1 camera loop delay and also connects to the reverse of the camera and that way the camera returns to its player position no mater in which place it was before seamlessly.
If by some chance the text didn’t made much sense (as reading even I got cross eyed i can remake the test and send you the blank level)
Hey, thanks for trying, it’s a hairy problem. I think I get it but I’m not sure how you do the “detach” and “connect” of the camera, in kismet or unrealscript, I’m not sure how I would do that
Here is a small scene.Just play it on pc using a utgame so that you can see the default robot character.In the level you go to the trigger and when its touched>the camera is detached from the player and another blended one is going to start making a loop animation in a circle for ever.>a cube with a second trigger will go down and when you touch the trigger the camera will blend back to your players camera.
Its not perfect as when the camera returns, it is not in the exact position it was before, but i think that can be fixed.Still, the scene and cameras are seamless.
I can’t open that, looks like it’s from a newer UDK version than I have? Still, you can just tell me how you’ve done the blend and detach in kismet/code.
Better see it in the level as i made it in steps 1,2,3 and 4 in kismet and used comment boxes with some text to explain.It will take me a page to write it down in words and i might forget something.Better try the level to see if its what you are after
Okay, mate I see what you meant now.
I definitely learned something from this, just not sure if it will work to detach the camera from a matinee the way you detach it from the player, so I can control it manually, I’ll have to try a few things but I hope I can make it work.