Ferris Bueller's 65' Mustang

Ferris didn’t actually have a 65’ Mustang, but if he did, this is what it would look like.


Hey there @NotSoGrimReeper !

Gotta say I love Mustangs personally so the callback to Ferris Bueller certainly had me intrigued. I also enjoyed the showcasing matching up with the music. It was a delightful nostalgia kick that made me even giggle a little.

Please keep up the good work! I’m very curious as to what you’ll showcase next!

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Hi there @NotSoGrimReeper,

Hope you’re doing well and having a great week so far!

I have to admit, the music definitely made me giggle. That aside, the car itself is awesome! The color, reflections, and lighting are all gorgeous and classy. Do you plan on creating similar projects?

Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks @The_M0ss_Man and @PresumptivePanda! This is the first of many projects like this hopefully! I will definitely be sharing more soon. This is one small part of a demo reel I’m creating for my new studio. I’m trying to get a good grasp on rigging cars for control rig now so that I can better animate my content.