There is only an option for local coordinates to be entered in meters. How do I create an option to import local coordinates in feet?
Eric Blackburn wrote:
There is only an option for local coordinates to be entered in meters. How do I create an option to import local coordinates in feet?
Please have a look at the ‘Coordinate System Selection’ tutorial in the Help section of the software. The chosen coordinate system determines the project’s units of measurement. It is not just meters.
I should have been more clear. I only see an option to import control points in meters.
I figured it out. Modified the xml file.
Eric Blackburn wrote:
I figured it out. Modified the xml file.
All right, thank you for letting us know.
Lucia just to ask in relation to what Eric posted, can your project be in a metric coordinate system but you can output/export in imperial? is that correct?
So if I process a lidar scan which would be in meters lets say, I can run RC and have that project exported in Feet by choosing a appropriate coordinate system? such as NAD83/California - us(ft)
Would there be any other settings I would need to change to make sure that 1 unit = 1 foot?
Can anyone help with my enquiry above? I didn’t want to create a new post unnecessarily, so I’m hoping someone can help with my question. Thanks!
Hello dear user,
Yes changing the outputs coordination system to US one with feet should convert your units.
If there is a defined distance somewhere in your project and you will change the project coordinate system to the US one you will notice the defined distance will change to feet and will convert the numbers as well so everything should be just fine. You can try this by navigating to Workflow tab - Settings - Coordinate systems and changing the “Project coordinate system”.
I’m going to tag on to this and resurrect it, since nobody has come up with a solution here aside from “select it”. That doesn’t work because the option still does not exist.
The ground control files given to me are in a CSV that are in local US Survey Feet. That’s what I have to work with.
The only way we can currently import and export in a local coordinate system is in meters, which applies an incorrect scale when I go back to my drafting program. Can we PLEASE have a local:Euclidian US-FT option?
I hate to sound like a jerk here, but the only options that have been given by support are to “select it”. It doesn’t exist, so it’s a little hard to select it. Currently, here’s no way to import or export in a local US-FT coordinate system and this is driving me nuts converting things all over the place.
Agreed!! “Select it” is not a constructive answer, specially when it doesn’t exist!
All in all - It’s a simple feature that should be there.