Hello, Ash here! I wanted to give feedback about the Guard Spawner device and what cosmetic skins are allowed with the editor. I recently learned that selecting and trying to use specific skins throws an error but this is intentional as Epic Games has a list of cosmetics that are valid to be used as guards with the Guard Spawner device. I have noticed as well that I am not the only one with this sentiment and thus my feedback is this. I think that the list should be expanded to included any and all skins with the exception of collaboration, celebrity, and influencer skins e.g. Deku from My Hero Academia, Obi-Wan from Star Wars, Ariana Grande, Ninja, SypherPK, etc. The list should only be expanded to include Fortnite original cosmetic skins such as Dire, Hybrid, Volpez, etc. I think a way to select the different variants of popular skins like Dire would be great too instead of being stuck with the defaults. Besides, it’s not like the player would still be able to play as them, they would simply act just as they did during Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, only interactable with and hireable if the content creator so desired.
@CorvierFairburn Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.
Love this response! very helpful
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