Ok I am not really sure how you find this “done”. Do you think it is done because it builds?
Screen refresh problems…
Changing map modes crashes client to desk top…
Sky lighting doesn’t work…
Other random crashes to desktop when changing virtual desktops and always an nearly unrecoverable automatic minimize… However there is a way because it is linux Though I don’t know if noobs will know how to recover the window.
This was the first 5 minutes after build… Well after running it I didn’t touch it for about an half an hour because we were discussing some things on #ue4linux. But right when I got to it blaring obvious issues happily jumped around singing “BROKEN”. Also no swarm agent, just to make sure due to lighting taking double the time it takes in winblows I ran top. Nope no swarm agent us linux users are second class citizens? (that could be me maybe I still have to build it?)
Because you are pretty much all windows and mac you probably don’t know that opensource and propriety linux software have development and version cycles too. This is more like late alpha stage maybe beta. Defiantly NOT early access…
However I would rather hack the source code and fix it then return to windows.This post is because you asked for it
Being part of the linux community that part of my UE life is spent in the community not on answerhubs LOL… Now if you read this in a negative note I appoligise. I know dx12 is a primary concern. But us linux users are important and so is linux. Nearly the entire internet runs on it. And anything you can do we can do better except games.