Feedback on Various Shortcuts

I just installed Rocket about an hour ago and I’m already looking for things that I knew how to do in UE3 and some things that could be very useful are not there.

In UE3 I was able to use Alt+X to quickly min/max my viewport. This type of shortcut really helps me out as a level designer/builder as I constantly switch between side and perspective views.

In UE3 I could navigate using just WASD without holding right click which made movement simpler (could also hold right click and either way works)

In UE4 there seems to be a shortcut to bring up the selected mesh in your viewport up on your content browser (Ctrl+B). Sometimes it works, other times it brings up the “home” content browser screen, and you have to click back into the viewport and press it again in order for it to find the mesh in the correct folder.

Being able to fully navigate around a mesh in 3D when you open up a mesh is really, really amazing! It blew my mind when I opened up my first mesh.

I am very happy with the Alt+1-8 being in there though for switching between wireframe/lit/unlit etc. Very awesome! Also, Ctrl+X/C/V to make it more functional than UE3 like you did, felt pretty good. Pasting meshes is way more controlled and accurate.

Is there any chance that you would put in these shortcuts?

Hi Angelos,

Thanks for your feedback. We are glad you enjoy many of the updates.

You are correct that there is currently no shortcut option to toggle between the single and 4-panel views. We do already have a feature request in for this option to be added. There are, however, shortcuts which can be used to quickly jump between the different views. You can find the settings for these by going to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, and then expanding the Common Viewport Commands section. By default, the Perspective view is Alt-G, and Front, Side, and Top are Alt-H, Alt-K, and Alt-J respectively. You can edit these to your preferences.

As for moving the camera using only WASD, this setting can still be enabled. Go to Edit > Editor Settings > Preferences. Under Viewport Controls, select the dropdown for Flight Camera Control Type and set it to Use WASD for camera controls.

We have also noticed that Find in Content Browser does not always go directly to the asset. We are looking into the cause of this.

Also, I noticed that you made this post Private, although it contains no sensitive information. Would you object to it being made Public so that others can view it too?


Hey Stephen.

I had posted this before I had a chance to look at proper post formats and privacy. Setting it to public would be fine, I actually tried to change it myself, but I didn’t know if I even could. I also found out about setting the shortcuts as I looked at others’ questions and posts. Thanks for the WASD note.

I’ve made it public. :slight_smile: