Feedback on the new docs site

The LPV page redirects to the Korean language version.

Hi there, i can’t proceed with SpatialOS your exe does not download

Am trying to use SPATIALOS

But this link is not working and i needed to proceed and the exe file is stored on you server

The one am interested is this one

What should i do?

Best Regards

images still broken on the Composure page - Real-Time Compositing Tools | Unreal Engine Documentation

Installing the Datasmith Exporter for 3ds Max Download the Exporter plugin installer from the Datasmith Export Plugins download page. The link " Datasmith Export Plugins download" is broken.

When I follow the link to the MayaLiveLink plugin download page there is now plugin. Only cpp, cs files and a py file.
Where can I get the maya plugin for maya 2018 and 2019?

Composure page images are not broken for me. It could be a cache issue when it’s happening. It could also be a temporary files on system issue, in which those links to the page images get broken somehow, or the temporary files have a bad reference from a particular browser / browser settings.

Another thing I noticed, but not a big deal unless it’s perceived to be I guess:
“…or how a shot it set up.”
change “it” to “is” in the second paragraph at the top of the Composure page…
There’s a number of typos / grammar / spelling errors in the docs, and I usually know what is meant, but it may be a problem in browser-based translations or other cases.

[USER=“7”]Jeff Wilson[/USER] Can we somehow help with the progress of the dark themed documentation?

On the “Installing Visual Studio for UE4” page:

Under “Visual Assist X Users, If you have Visual Assist X installed:”

Turn off **Format After Paste **in Options > Advanced. The “Advanced” Menu within the VA options is gone now, and you will find it under Extensions > Visual Assist Options > Editor > Format After Paste.

P.S. For quite a while now, IncrediBuild has been causing issues with Visual Assist DELETING your code, they are expected to fix this in the next version, but I believe we have already received a new version since they have said this. As longer compile times will turn new users to try IncrediBuild, it may be a good idea to recommend against downloading this extension for now.

The Unreal documentation, in general, is very unevenly fleshed-out. I feel like 2/3rds of the pages I land on just have something like “An object class” as a description (in this case, that gem is from UClass), then just a bunch of lists of function names that you could also find by pressing TAB in your IDE. Its definitely better than nothing, but it is also a little frustrating

This doc Invalidation Box | Unreal Engine Documentation says that described feature is from Unreal 4.9 and is experimental. Is it outdated status?

This is specific feedback on the pages regarding Delegates, Dynamic Delegates, Multicast etc. etc. :

I think there might be a small issue with nomenclature here, unless I am really bad at understanding your text and/or your logic. If I’m not mistaken the documentation goes back and forth and uses the terms “delegate function” and “binding function” interchangeably. Or just to be more specific, I suspect that in a lot of cases where you want to say (and probably - no hopefully! - mean) “binding function” you instead say “delegate function” which is rather confusing. So a handful of suggestions:

  1. Perhaps another read-through to make sure you are saying exactly what you mean to say and just make the language clearer?
  2. Some visual schematics would definitely help and make things clearer for beginners. This is a dense topic! You are essentially trying to hack through encapsulation and abstraction with these things…
  3. I suspect (like myself) that perhaps people have understood a little bit better the Blueprint equivalents: event dispathers etc. Perhaps a visual again compare and contrast type page that shows the equivalents of the two approaches might solidify learning?

Anyway, my humble opinion. Thank you!

I am not seeing the UnrealVS command. I am using VS2019 fresh install and I’ve followed the instructions listed above second, first I followed Setting Up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation. Maybe a miss/bug for the VS2019 extension?

  1. For UpdateSightKey, add an **Actor **input called TargetActor.

This should read:
9. For UpdateTargetKey, add an **Actor **input called TargetActor.

It would be better if the document could include a link to download the example file

Hiya! New user here; I have a fair amount of experience with Unity, so something stood out to me in part of the docs comparing Unity and Unreal. It’s in this page: Unreal Engine for Unity Developers | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

So in the section labeled “UE4 Blueprint Classes can be extended,” there’s a paragraph which says this:

In Unity, you would implement this by creating many different GameObject prefabs: one for Dragon, one for Grue, and so on. Now, say you want to add some new functionality to all monsters, such as the ability to speak using your new Speak Component. In Unity, you have to go and update all 10 prefabs to individually copy and paste the new functionality into it.

So… yes, this had been the only way to do things for a long time. But that’s actually changed! Aside from being able to nest prefabs, it’s also possible to make “Prefab Variants,” which work pretty much as inheritance. I could create Monster prefab, and then make variants called Dragon, Grue, etc. A modification to Monster will trickle down into the rest of the monsters, as it would in Unreal. It’s also possible to override settings coming from parent prefabs.

Now, I haven’t worked with Unreal’s blueprints yet, so I don’t know how they compare. Unity’s prefab overhaul has introduced some odd kinks into the system. (I’ve had some deeply nested prefabs for UI elements in Unity and it can get a little out-of-shape if I accidentally change the base prefabs from within the top-level prefabs.). I have no idea whether Unreal struggles with these same issues or if they’ve been solved.

UE4 cannot connect to maya when using mayalivelink.I followed the tutorial on…gin/index.html.
first,I cannot get the MayaLiveLinkPugin2018.mll file because github just have the source code.…/master/Source
Finally,i got the Mayalivelink on epic marketplace.But,ue4 cannot find maya=-=like this:

Dear All,

I have the following issue while trying to run my project on my iPad according to:

After setting up and running there occurs an error message. In the log window it says:

LogPlayLevel: Error: Code Signing Error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate “iPhone Developer: <MyName> (EJK49S5EDA)” in the keychain. To sign with this signing certificate, install its private key in your keychain. If you don’t have the private key, select a different signing certificate for
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY in the build settings editor.
LogPlayLevel: Error: Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 13.2’

<MyName> is a placeholder for my real name. I generated the Mobile Provisioning File as well as the Developer Certificate on my Apple Developer Account and included it in the project settings. What went wrong?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best wishes,

Hi There,

The link for the source code on the documentation page seems to be a broken link

"Before you can access the repository at " This link returns you the 404 Page Not found error.

i cant download the engine i can only download epic games engine not unreal engine please make a direct download link:mad:

Hi. I haven’t been using the site for long but definitely ran into a couple of things. The search function is not great - for example, if I go to online learning ->home and select all then search for “virtual reality” it brings up 3 courses. If I search for VR it brings up 5 courses. However, if I go into “Unreal Academy” learning path there is a really good VR best practices deck and video which was exactly what I’m looking for.
Likewise, I need to switch to the documentation section to access some material. This means I can’t really depend on the search tools, or don’t feel I can - but instead need to hunt through a few places. This is not ideal.

that said, the materials are good and the existence of this is great.

I’ve done a few advanced classes but was interested in doing more design/blueprinty stuff and so I did the quick start for designers. It’s a tiny bit out of date for 4.24 - just the lighting details stuff but figured I’d let you know.

cheers and thanks