Feedback on Plugin Dependency Rule in Fab Marketplace


The rules of the Fab Marketplace for UE states:

Fab plugins must not rely on any plugin dependencies in order to compile, including those distributed by the same seller.

I understand the idea behind this rule might be to keep things simple or avoid issues, but I think it’s way too limiting and ends up being bad for both sellers and customers.

If this rule was removed, we could make a wider variety of useful tools. For example, we could build a generic multi-purpose base plugin and then create separate add-on plugins tailored for specific needs. Customers who only need the base could just buy the base plugin, while others could pick up the add-ons they want as well.

Right now, this rule forces us to combine everything into one plugin, which makes it more expensive and less flexible for customers. If you change or remove this rule, it’d make the marketplace better for everyone: us devs could build cooler stuff, and customers would have more options.

Thank you.

I 100% agree with this. What we really need is a kind of package manager for plugins like we see in other ecosystems, such as NPM or PyPi. Essentially each plugin is uploaded with a list of other plugins it depends on and when you install one it automatically installs all the dependencies.

Even if this only applies to free, open-source plugins, it would be a helpful thing to have.

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