Quoting Daniel: “Ive had nothing but troubles trying to get C++ working, Visual Studio is clunky and aging rapidly. It might be great for those used to application development but thats not who everyone who makes games is, some of them come from web development background where their tools are fast, light weight and very what you see is what you get unlike C++.”
It might help you to know that I dont do any coding in VS itself, I use my own favored text editors which are extremely light-weight, user friendly, fun, and awesome.
I only switch to VS to compile
and while VS is compiling I go back to coding 
You are predisposed to see the negatives in this situation and you are limiting your own options rather than finding solutions.
Quoting Daniel: “Epic is awesome, they have worked very hard and I can see that. I just dont like what I see in terms of tedious typing and its even worse now under C++. Ofcoarse you can hold onto text based programming while the future moves away from the commandline, cool.”
There’s been a progressive “dumbing down” of modern creation tools to suite the fictitous or real increasing lack of skill of the end users of software.
Do you want that to happen to UE4? So that people can make relatively nice games but never have full Creative Power available because the tools got excessively simplified?
Think carefully before suggest that Epic go down the route that a lot of modern software companies have gone down, leading to dumbed down simplified software that has increasingly limited capacities but is supposedly more user-friendly.
There’s nothing inefficient or cumbersome about one of the most popular programming languages on the planet.
Blueprint system is a new language, give it time to grow and offer your suggestions there as that is clearly what you’d rather be working with
I prefer the freedom power, and for me, ease of use of c++
Just because it is not for you does not mean you represent the majority of future developer/ indie developers.
Focus on what you like and offer suggestions to make what you like even better.
Then your feedback will be even more constructive and actually useful, rather than denouncing a language that is the foundation of a larger part of modern computing.
UI is vastly different than the underlying structure running that UI
Sounds like you are wanting a more developed UI between you and the c++ than blueprints is currently providing, so perhaps you can offer suggestions about how to further enable blueprints to play that role for you.
I agree C++ is probably about 30% more verbose than unrealscript, and I agree there are many indie developers who cannot pay a programmer who knows c++
so either learn c++ yourself, or propose suggestions for improving blueprints
because c++ will be the foundation behind blueprints and the UE4 engine whether you use it directly or not 
I am so absolutely happy that Epic has given us access to the Source language of UE4, and I’ve already achieved:
-real multiplayer games,
-created my own screenshoty saving system,
-and made my own in-game file browser with ability to make new folders and files on my computer
The whole point of my original post was to tell Epic how awesome and wonderful it is that they are allowing me to work directly in the admittedly more technically complicated langauge of C++.
Please do not try to tell Epic that they need to dumb down the very feature/source code accessibility that I am specifically saying has been one of the most wonderful decisions they’ve ever made and has enormously empowered me as a developer to make awesome games.
If you want a dumbed down simplier engine go use a different engine, that engine’s games will never be able to be as wild and creative as UE4 games because of lack of Aource-language access.