Feedback on C++ in UE4 vs Unrealscript

Dear Friends at Epic,

I am going to be really honest with you here.

You all inviting me to the Rocket beta, and me getting to finally work with Unreal Engine directly in C++,

has been one of the greater Joys of my adult life!


I am sooooo happy you decided to allow us access to the C++ in UE4!

Please please dont change this policy, at least keep it for me and other Rocket beta testers.

I’m not sure what you’re plans are for the public Rocket release,

but as long as I always have access to the c++ of Unreal Engine I will be a very very happy fellow making fun and pretty games for you all to play :slight_smile:

I recently was doing some unrealscript programming for someone’s project,

and oh my,

oh my,

I can feel how much faster the c++ is, in terms of how the engine actually runs,

and I love the freedom I have in c++ to do pretty much anything I can think of!

I also love how everything I learned in college about C++ I can apply straight into my game now, rather than having to learn the middle language of unrealscript.

To Summarize:

I had a lot of fun with Unrealscript as you can see from my [tutorial hub][1],

but I am soooo much happier programming directly in c++ in UE4!

thank you

thank you

thank you for C++ access in UE4!!!




I agree! Engine and game startup is nearly instant on my computer, the way I always wanted UDK to be. And not having to shut down the editor to compile = AWESOME. I do have some nitpicks about C++ as a language (not necessarily anything to do with UE4 itself…for one the learning curve is gigantic), but I won’t get into them here. In short, thank you from me as well :slight_smile:

I agree with you Rama. When i first got Rocket, i tried C++ and i really liked how i could compile the code and play at the same time and when the compiling is finished changes were instantly applied. No more quitting the editor. God…Hot Reload is awesome! Two more things am thankful are the way we can play now in editor without having to wait for the map to save and Async light build.

Thank you very much Epic!! You guys are Awesome + Epic! :smiley:

Im really not looking forward to c++ bugs in my work. Im not going to say anything about the comparisons with UnrealScript because honestly, they are entirely different languages at different levels and serve completely different purposes and any c++ programmer who makes that comparison still has alot to learn.

My big concern is c++ tied to an asset store and the security of systems, allowing Rocket to run is also allowing Rocket to modify the file systems etc (unless you run sandboxes and very strict anti-virus). I really hope Epic consider this and that while c++ access is good for an end product, as in a full game, it might not be the best thing for mods or the modding community.

I think Blueprint has alot of strengths and those need to be brought to the table when discussing UnrealScript because C++ was never there to replace it. C++ has always been the level above and now more people will get access to a higher level which may (or may not) help bring more developers in.

Ive had nothing but troubles trying to get C++ working, Visual Studio is clunky and aging rapidly. It might be great for those used to application development but thats not who everyone who makes games is, some of them come from web development background where their tools are fast, light weight and very what you see is what you get unlike C++.

Epic is awesome, they have worked very hard and I can see that. I just dont like what I see in terms of tedious typing and its even worse now under C++. Ofcoarse you can hold onto text based programming while the future moves away from the commandline, cool.

Quoting Daniel: “Ive had nothing but troubles trying to get C++ working, Visual Studio is clunky and aging rapidly. It might be great for those used to application development but thats not who everyone who makes games is, some of them come from web development background where their tools are fast, light weight and very what you see is what you get unlike C++.”

It might help you to know that I dont do any coding in VS itself, I use my own favored text editors which are extremely light-weight, user friendly, fun, and awesome.

I only switch to VS to compile

and while VS is compiling I go back to coding :slight_smile:

You are predisposed to see the negatives in this situation and you are limiting your own options rather than finding solutions.

Quoting Daniel: “Epic is awesome, they have worked very hard and I can see that. I just dont like what I see in terms of tedious typing and its even worse now under C++. Ofcoarse you can hold onto text based programming while the future moves away from the commandline, cool.”

There’s been a progressive “dumbing down” of modern creation tools to suite the fictitous or real increasing lack of skill of the end users of software.

Do you want that to happen to UE4? So that people can make relatively nice games but never have full Creative Power available because the tools got excessively simplified?

Think carefully before suggest that Epic go down the route that a lot of modern software companies have gone down, leading to dumbed down simplified software that has increasingly limited capacities but is supposedly more user-friendly.

There’s nothing inefficient or cumbersome about one of the most popular programming languages on the planet.

Blueprint system is a new language, give it time to grow and offer your suggestions there as that is clearly what you’d rather be working with

I prefer the freedom power, and for me, ease of use of c++

Just because it is not for you does not mean you represent the majority of future developer/ indie developers.

Focus on what you like and offer suggestions to make what you like even better.

Then your feedback will be even more constructive and actually useful, rather than denouncing a language that is the foundation of a larger part of modern computing.

UI is vastly different than the underlying structure running that UI

Sounds like you are wanting a more developed UI between you and the c++ than blueprints is currently providing, so perhaps you can offer suggestions about how to further enable blueprints to play that role for you.

I agree C++ is probably about 30% more verbose than unrealscript, and I agree there are many indie developers who cannot pay a programmer who knows c++

so either learn c++ yourself, or propose suggestions for improving blueprints

because c++ will be the foundation behind blueprints and the UE4 engine whether you use it directly or not :slight_smile:


I am so absolutely happy that Epic has given us access to the Source language of UE4, and I’ve already achieved:

-real multiplayer games,
-created my own screenshoty saving system,
-and made my own in-game file browser with ability to make new folders and files on my computer

The whole point of my original post was to tell Epic how awesome and wonderful it is that they are allowing me to work directly in the admittedly more technically complicated langauge of C++.

Please do not try to tell Epic that they need to dumb down the very feature/source code accessibility that I am specifically saying has been one of the most wonderful decisions they’ve ever made and has enormously empowered me as a developer to make awesome games.

If you want a dumbed down simplier engine go use a different engine, that engine’s games will never be able to be as wild and creative as UE4 games because of lack of Aource-language access.


I dont actually remember denouncing anything, C++ was created some time ago so you and I have different ideas of modern. Ofcoarse it has more recently received a much needed update which Epic are using.

I saw UnrealScript evolve more over 10 years than C++ did in the same amount of time, infact it stagnated for a long while.

I know we’ll always have some need for the typed code but even in this day and age humans dont write compilers, compilers write compilers. That will become more and more the norm, take intellisense, its still in its infancy and even Tim Sweeny spoke about Siri last year how good it was getting at recognizing what you have to say. Basically I believe that the keyboard might be the next thing to get replaced, not by some minority report wave your hands in the air because we all know that would make everyones jobs more difficult not less difficult but by smarter interfaces.

Interfaces that learn who you are, how you prefer to do things (hard tabs) and adapt and write code from your own person short hand (pseudo). We have the extra resources sitting idle in the background of a simple text editor to use to do these things, we dont specifically need a boring wall of text anymore to represent things, especially when maths is rarely written as it is in code anywhere but on a keyboard.

I grew up on DOS, was programming QBasic at 10, doing hex memory editing by 12, C by 14 and Im now 32 so Im not just blurting stuff for no reason. Ive lived and breathed computer programming, technical art, UI and game design for a majority of my life.

Ofcoarse you like c++, theres nothing wrong with that but I think your comparison was poor, that you should understand what c++ is about and why UnrealScript was created. UnrealScript wasnt created to replace c++ and c++ wasnt created to replace UnrealScript so there is no versus. UnrealScript served its purpose and I loved its simplicity, the fact it ran on a virtual machine, that it was also precompiled, that it had strict types, that it allowed me to do things in a manner QuakeC didnt allow and it offered me something that even Valve couldnt (because they chose C++).

If it wernt for UnrealScript I wouldnt be here making this post today. You ofcoarse could still be off doing C++ even if Epic wernt using it. I think that goes to show the impact UnrealScript has as a language had on the lives of some developers.

Im glad to be moving away from text because it all does is slow me down, thats why we have less strict languages that are extremely popular like Javascript. There are alot of people on different languages and they arnt all just functional languages. There are pure mathematical languages that make math.h look like a kids toy.

I love how you assume I dont know how to program c++ and thats why my post is against, that you proceed to say anything else is dumbed down. If things are to evolve we need to keep an open mind and I thought someone of your background might be more intune and centered that you wouldnt be clouded.

Quoting Daniel (nicely)

"UnrealScript wasnt created to replace c++ and c++ wasnt created to replace UnrealScript so there is no versus. UnrealScript served its purpose and I loved its simplicity, the fact it ran on a virtual machine, that it was also precompiled, that it had strict types, that it allowed me to do things in a manner QuakeC didnt allow and it offered me something that even Valve couldnt (because they chose C++).

If it wernt for UnrealScript I wouldnt be here making this post today. You ofcoarse could still be off doing C++ even if Epic wernt using it. I think that goes to show the impact UnrealScript has as a language had on the lives of some developers."

With your very large range of experience with different kinds of scripting and programming, as well as your long history in the field, this is quite the wonderful shout-out to Unrealscript!

I hope Blueprints can be made to make you as happy and have the influence and play the role that you are saying Unrealscript played for you.

Personally I think Unrealscript is awesome too!

I looooved how I could never crash my game to desktop in Unrealscript

I crash my game to desktop with big stack errors at least, well let’s be honest, a 100 times per day in UE4 C++ (It’s always my fault of course, though sometimes I am not sure how)

hee hee :slight_smile:

I crashed my game to desktop ONCE in UE3, when I was using my DLL that was written in C++


The point I was trying to make is that I dont want anyone to scare Epic away from the idea of offering us direct C++ access, because that is Heaven for me, enabling me to make games the way I like, and I never had that opportunity in UE3.

So as long as Epic always allows c++ access to those that want it (or at least us beta testers

then I will be very very happy

Personally I would have no objection to having both c++ and unrealscript in UE4 as I do see the value of Unrealscript (as you can see from my UE3 tutorial hub)

I think Epic has made a decision, to replace the accessibility of unrealscript with Blueprint system, and you’ve witnessed the decision, but you’ve not yet seen Blueprints at their full power, as they are still under development

So I ask you sincere nice question:

What do you think would enable blueprints to play the role for you, better, that Unrealscript played?



See there you go, UnrealScript was awesome because the game wouldnt crash. I actually had fun eliminating accessed nones (no null pointers allowed) so it was really robust in terms of someone starting out.

Im really not going to be able to offer the same level of support to beginners as I once did and Im going to have to brush them off and tell them to read c++ documentation. I dont like that thought but I know that my c++ skills arnt the best and they are better learning from people with more experience.

Im actually not that fussed UnrealScript is gone, if blueprints wernt there Id be using c++ still even if Id grumble about it. Id do it because I like the Unreal Engine, the Api is actually one of the most feature complete in terms of functionality that Ive ever seen (bar none). Epic do an amazing job with their c++ libraries and there is alot of functionality there just waiting to be harnessed and honestly I cant credit that to the language itself because its just not fair, there are/has been some real geniuses at Epic.

I’m getting the sense that Epic has some pretty Epic plans for Blueprints that we dont know about yet, but one thing our discussion has made clear is that Blueprints is going to be HEAVILY relied on to play the role that unrealscript played.

So let’s keep helping Epic to make Blueprints play the much needed role of the UI between developers and the source C++

in the meantime,

thank you thank you Epic for the C++ access, I love it :slight_smile:

Please always keep the c++ accesibility Epic,

it is enabling me to make my game-making dreams to come true!



Hey Nathan,

Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate that you like it and are striving to make things easy and streamlined for you guys.

Best Regards,


Heee heee! UE4 C++ is awesome!!!

And I will forever be happy happily programming in UE4 if Epic can please please keep the decision to allow us direct C++ code access

Dont let any of the naysayers bother you, c++ access is awesome and that is what I am trying to convey to Epic today :slight_smile:

There are those like me who absolutely love the c++ access and I wanted to make sure you folks at Epic know that
