Hello fellow UE4 devs. I’m completely stuck on this and can’t determine the best approach on how to tackle my situation.
I want the player to be able to select hex tiles and be able to raise/lower their faces to make ramps to the next level.
The player can also select the whole tile and raise and lower it by 1 level. (200 unreal units for example).
I have attached some pictures to help illustrate what I’m trying to achieve.
Mesh Type?
Am I supposed to use Procedural meshes? Skeletal meshes? I looked into RuntimeMeshComponent and it’s a little over my head with the main dev apparently gone from support MIA.
The current plan is to have a hex based tile world. I’ve looked into and am continuing to research into HISM. However I don’t know know if I can even use static meshes here?
Extra Info
I was planning on using hundreds of these hexes if not thousands to make the playable world. Its top down and the player can build on the hex grid. The terrain is procedural.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help. I’ve spent the last week or so reading about trying to edit meshes in runtime and while I feel like I learned a lot, I don’t feel like I’ve made any progress on my actual problem.