February #UE4JAM Submission Thread


Team name: RhinoGames
List of team members: RhinoJohn(John), Soulmapp(Mark)

Music That Saved The World

“Music That Saved The World” is …
You play as a security gaurd who accidently corrupted a missle launch computer when charging your iphone, You must now manually deactivate each silo by answereing questions. All of which are classic “One hit Wonder” Songs. Everytime you stop a launch you save people, thats how you score. and there is a leader board so you need to register. just email and password.

Game restrictions

Internet connection required, for Storing highscores/Leaderboard

Known Issues

None at this moment in time


W,A,S,D - Basic Movement
Space - Jump
E, - Interact
LMB - Select



3rd Party Assets used from

Blueprints Office
 Animation Pack
Various SFX - Freesound.org
Music by  Lu


Chaotic Neutral - Statue of Zeus

Protect the Ancient Wonder, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia from the forces of Caligula, preventing them from One hit(ting the) wonder in this traditional tower defense game.

Through a combination of 6 separate towers, create a maze of death to protect the Statue of Zeus as long as you can.
However, there is no changing history, and thus, the game continues to get harder and harder until you ultimately fail. Go for a high score!

WASD/Mouse scroll - Map scroll
1,2,3,4,5,6 - Build Towers (1 to cancel building)
Select Tower - Click on tower
Upgrade Tower - (While Tower is selected) 3
Demolish Tower - (While Tower is selected) 6
Back out from Tower - Spacebar
Pause - Escape

Known Issues
When attempting to restart the game from the pause menu, the game will reload with the ‘end game’ UI assets loaded. the only fix is to quit out and restart the game.
Not a Development Build (Sorry :c)


Chaotic Neutral
Andrew Seward
Samantha Eastwood
Erik Neel

Submission Name: ChaoticNeutral_StatueOfZeus

Top Ten One Hit Wonder Game

3D Virtualand Team


Top Ten One Hit Wonder Game

A simple game about Top Ten One Hit Wonder Music of all times.

Link: Top Ten One Hit Wonder Game

Menu: M

All videos and music belong to their own owners.

Have fun.

The Flying Potato

LMB - Fire your one shot
RMB - Switch between Assassin mode and Ghost mode - You can only shoot in Assassin mode but enemies won’t detect you while you’re in Ghost mode
R - Reset the level
Q - Return to menu
Esc - Quit completely

Your goal?
Take out every enemy in the room with your single ricocheting bullet.
(There are only 6 levels and the first 3 are pretty darn gosh diddly easy)


Project Name: One Bullet
Team Name: Requios
Members: Requios
Submission Name: Requios_OneBullet

You are a sharpshooter in service of the local police department.
Something bad is going to go down across the street in a matter of seconds.
You have one bullet. Use it wisely.

Download: https://mega.nz/#!v80EkDwS

3rd Party Assets: Sounds from Freesound.org


Title: One Bullet Wonder
Team name: No Idea Team
Team members: Miguel, Enrique, Manuel

Wow we finally have something to submit :smiley:
We haven’t been able to add all the enemies we liked, and the ones we have now are not totally completed.
We have used previous jam project to start with, that’s why the exe is called “Don’t touch” sorry for that, but we don’t know how to change it
We hope you enjoy it.


Game link:
Win 32:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1678008/Unreal/JamFebruary/Win32%20NoIdeaTeam-OneBulletWonder.zip
Win 64:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1678008/Unreal/JamFebruary/Win64%20NoIdeaTeam-OneBulletWonder.zip


Maze of Wonders

Game: Maze of Wonders
Andrew Wetmore, Alek Wagner, Mize
Submission: APDRA_Maze of Wonders

Go through a maze trying to defeat the evil architects with wonders. See sources txt for sourced images. We made the Wonder models & pedestal model but every other art asset is from unreal starter and/or engine content. See in game for more info on story and controls.

Try playing in VR for an interesting experience!


  • High maze sizes and/or graphic settings cause lag and even crashing depending on your system.
  • A very small amount of people may experience a seizure when exposed to the flashing lights in this game.

February Game Jam Submission

Team Name: Lutra[SUP]2[/SUP] (Lu2ra)

Submission Name: Homerun / HeadRun / HeadSpace

Submission DL Link: Here!

Teaser Image: (Dang that’s some nice looking motion blur :smiley: )

Attribution: Material for the target made by Crivatz, available freely on the forum. All else free from Epic Games.

LMB - Swing Bat
RMB - Slow Time
WASD - Movement
Mouse - Camera

Hit the target as far as possible.

**Who Let The Dogs Out?


Updated link: Now built in dev mode so you change the settings!

You’ve turned up to work and someone has let the dogs out! You’ve got to hurry and get the dogs back in the cages before the boss gets back.


The greatest One Hit Wonder of all time - Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out


Movement - W, A, S, D / Left Gamepad Stick
Camera - Mouse / Right Gamepad Stick
ARF Sonar - F / B Button
Pick-up Dog - E / A Button
Pause - Escape / Start Button

The Team:

  • UI / Programming / 3D Art
    Read - 3D Art / ALL OF THE SOUND (Yes, all of it)
    Lamble - Programming / 3D Art
  • Dog will randomly get stuck
  • Cage door randomly stays open. Walk back into it to close it
  • Victory condition too awesome



First time game jam for and with UE4, my () second time.

Game Name: Voxel
Team Name: X3

Members: Dan Wallace, Jens Roth

GameLink: Google Drive: Sign-in

Edit: hotfixed a bug discovered during Allars playthrough
(Original submission: Google Drive: Sign-in)

Welcome to Voxel,
left click and drag to guide cubes to their destination

GroundBreaker Games
Liam Paddick
Josh Hinge
The Misadventures of SirPigly


A = Jump
X = Shoot
Left Thumbstick = Move
Right Thumbstick = Blink Ability
Triggers = Sprint

A/D = Move
Space = Jump
Shift = Sprint
Arrow Keys = Blink
Control = Shoot

You play as a clone of sir pigly. Each clone is a one hit wonder and can only fire a single missile. After each death your DNA is taken by robobob for the next clone, this lets you keep your upgrades after you respawn for that level.

The game is still pretty buggy but the first few levels seem to run fairly well. This is our first game jam so bear with us !.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1CYTu78x5Z0OEctaGFCNXJmX3c/view?usp=sharing

Team: DigiBotts
Members: DigiBotts

Game: WonderPunch

This is a local multiplayer game, It supports 2-4 players using pretty much any number of gamepads (two people can use the keyboard). I highly recommend having at least three players.

The objective is to land a single hit on your opponents, but with a long windup you’ll have to use throws and tactical posing to swing the odds in your favour!

UPDATED with a few minor fixes.


Team Name: Succubi in Hats
Team Members:
Name of your submission: SuccubiinHats_RKT1

Your squadron is defeated, the blockade is too powerful. You manage to launch your last rocket before being destroy. Will this rocket be a one hit wonder and destroy the entire enemy base?

The goal is to fly past all the turrets and take out the enemy base and do as much damage as possible.

Gamepad Left Joystick/WASD: Fly rocket
Right Trigger: Speed up
Left Trigger: Slow down



Team name: Team
List of team members:
Name of your submission: A Silver Bullet

You’re a hunter of some repute, and have been invited by a respected lord to address a problem in his countryside. “They’re just a bunch of mangy wolves,” he tells you, and presses a dozen silver bullets into your hand. “And if you shoot them just right, in the middle of the head,” he says, and points you toward the dreary forest path. “I believe it should take care of them.”

WASD + mouse. Kill the wolves, gather bullets from fallen hunters. There is no win condition, I ended up getting sick and not being able to incorporate everything I had in mind.

Download Here

Link to a download of your game: MEGA

Team name: Team Tyvole

List of team members: Nigkdo

Name of your submission: Team Tyvole_WonderYouHitIt


LMB - shoot
Left Shift + Mouse - Aiming
RMB pressed + Mouse - “player” movement
Mouse Wheel - power

You can hold left Alt during aiming or adjusting power for more accuracy.


Goal of this game is to hit red box without hitting grey walls.


This is my first entry, i started today morning and i barely “finished” it. There are only four levels and i didnt even played the last level because i was in hurry.


so here is our entry to the GameJam.

One Shot Wonder Wars!

Space is chaotic place - try to get the shot that will works wonders.
All assets are done by us over the past two days.
Except the music, which is “Epic Sword” from the Epic mega game jam.

Same game as below re uploaded with proper naming: Dropbox - Error
Original Link: Dropbox - Game Jam February - Simplify your life

Team Name: BroForce
Team Members: Grizz, Sandro
Submission Name: BroForce_OneShotWonderWarsr

Band Manager Tycoon!

Hi folks!

(This months’ game jam is likely to be a sad story for me. I have like 80% of the game built, but unfortunately that 20% is important enough that it’s not that functional to play. I am planning to hopefully wrap up the rest of the content in the next few days and have a more playable version for ya’lls enjoyment. When I started I didn’t realize how big of a project I was getting myself into!)

Team Name: Fresh Lemonade


Assets: Environment assets were from the UE4 marketplace Retro Office package.

Game Name: Band Manager Tycoon:

The way you see it, there is plenty of bucks to be made by managing all these bands who run around the country making millions. Eager to make a quick buck you take on the job of managing a local band, and work with it until it becomes a smashing hit! When one of your band’s songs finally becomes #1 most popular song in the world, will you take your millions and retire a one hit wonder?

Things you can do:

  • Hire new band members
  • Pick your band’s schedule
  • Manage your band member’s well being and happiness
  • Schedule gigs to create revenue and create fans
  • Schedule your band to write and produce songs
  • Go bankrupt

Features that were planned but not accomplished:

  • Firing band members, and having them quit from unhappiness
  • Budget advertising
  • Purchase new office spaces for marketing bonuses.
  • Compete with other songs in a billboard of trending songs
  • Win! (Have a song reach #1 rank)

How to play: Click on stuff in the room to open menus. Currently you can click on:

  • Papers on the desk : View your band members
  • Telephone : Hire new band members
  • Calendar : Access your calendar
  • Door : Next day

I didn’t quite realize how much I bit off when I started (classic jam story) so unfortunately there are some major bugs and missing elements. Shoot me a message or tweet @ if you’re interested in getting updates when i finish the project.

Here are some screenshots:

**: **
Still having issues with visual studio when i package. I’m going to try a reinstall.

Here’s my last minute submission… :smiley:

: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Team name: Tёsha Software
Submission name: TeshaSoftware_TheWonderOfGaming

A text-based game jam simulator. You read the text and select your next actions from the menu. Unfortunately the game is very unfinished and the gameplay is virtually absent. In its current state the game only shows the basic idea. But it has a cool intro sequence and a few jokes. :smiley:

Well, that was my first Game Jam! Better luck to me next time! :smiley:

Feb ’16 Game Jam Submission – One Hit Wonder - Oh, Hi Mark! – High Note

Submission: Dropbox - OhHiMark_HighNote.7z - Simplify your life
Team name: Oh, Hi Mark!
List of team members: Jones - skyphyr and Christopher O’Beso - skullznboardz
Name of your submission: OhHiMark_HighNote

Oh, Hi Mark! says hi again to another game jam. This time with a slight lemon twist as we tried to do something a bit different. We attempted to build an isometric adventure game with a pixel art look.

In the game you are Cone, the cone. As Cone you have created a musical hit titled, We Are Cone! With any hit comes an influx of money and fame. Cone has gone with a ‘spend it while you have’ mentality and bought a large mansion in order to throw the most epic party the world has ever seen.

Game Breakdown:
Cone has a swagger meter that fills every time Cone does something awesome. The more swagger Cone has the more people will flock to the party and the more awesome it will be. But swagger slowly depletes over time so keep those awesome times rolling.
Unfortunately the only event that we got to implement was Groupies. Groupies are around the mansion waiting for you to come talk to them. But they get tired of you quickly, so you must leave them alone before they deplete your swagger. Bounce back and forth between Groupies to build your swagger into legendary status and beyond.
There are also bottles of alcohol littered around the mansion. Drink them up to help save your swagger if you need to.
Idol is the shwaggeriest you can be so get to shwaggering!

The game will end when either Cones swagger reaches 0.

Keyboard and Mouse:
[INDENT]WASD/Arrow Keys- Moves Player
Left Click/Q and E Keys – Interaction[/INDENT]

Xbox 360 Controller:
[INDENT]Left Joystick - Moves Player
A button – Pickup
X button - Use[/INDENT]

Hope you enjoy!


Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B99JMG4D1iL7bXR1bnJnMExoUEU/view?usp=sharing
Team Name: Y-U-No-Team?
Team Members:
Submission Name: Y-U-No-Team?_ScaryMazeGame

How to play: Position the mouse at the start of the maze (Bottom Left), and solve the maze by getting your mouse to the top right. The goal is to avoid touching the edges of the maze, and there are 5 levels.

Unfortunately I started later than I should have, so I only got 3.5 hours of work in :confused: Anyways, enjoy :smiley: