Can someone please describe what the min, max, average intensity texturing function does in the latest version?
Also, with the new tone mapping algorithm, is this enabled by default? I can’t find where to turn it on or off. I assume it only works if the input images are 16 bit?
Yeah, this sounds cool. I want to learn as well.
I’m not sure, but I think this might only be for the alignment part of processing, not export.
in the latest version of RC new texturing styles were implemented - minimal intensity, maximal intensity and average intensity. With these texturing styles you can create intenisty (grayscale) textures. Those are usually used to find specular parts of the model to create specular maps. You can change the texturing style in the Reconstruction settings - Coloring/Texturing.
Integrated custom HDR/16bit to 8bit tonemapping algorithm is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. HDR/16bit texturing is not supported yet.
That is very good news ! ^^
Maybe a “difference” intensity style would be great, because that would give us directly in one shot the specularity !
About HDR, I am currently doing some tests with JPG+EXIF (exposure time+aperture+iso converted to EV values then applied to the pixel value) to .EXR Half float images (with more than 30 EV of dynamics), and this is promising ! My idea is to then texture in HDR (Float16) and use a shader at runtime to do the tonemapping.