When Lumen is enabled, emissive materials emit light. This is very useful of course, but there are time where you don’t want this enabled for artistic reasons, for instance when going for certain cartoony feels, or creating a 3D tooltip, etc.
Basically, I want an unlit material that works similar to unlit materials prior to Lumen.
I have tried to get a similar looking material, but the only solution so far seems to be to using stencil buffers to overwrite it with a single color, which is very limiting. The only other option is to just disable Lumen, which makes unlit materials behave how I want, but also Lumen is just globally disabled.
To be precise, I do not want this to be global, rather a per material basis to select whether emissive emits light with Lumen or does it just act as a bright object without lighting up its surroundings.