[Feature request] Speedtree horizontal billboard

Currently there are 2 problems with imported speedtree meshes:

  1. There is no top-down/horizontal billboard set up
  2. The transition between LODs and Billboard is just like switching a mesh which looks terrible.

It will be great if these 2 issues got fixed in the next update. When it comes to a top down view like aircraft or straight down view mountain or buildings, the speedtree billboards really sucks.

For the LOD transition, I think there should be an option to do smooth LOD transition for any meshes, not just speedtree. An option to enable crossfade LOD transition like unity would be really nice!

Edit: I almost forgot about the dithered LOD transition. It wasn’t working for me because I didn’t enable it on branch material. LOD transition working just fine now :slight_smile: Just need the speedtree horizontal billboard now.


Looks like you’re using 4.19, so you can use SpeedTree v8 (https://store.speedtree.com/ue4/). When exported for UE4, a horizontal billboard is included in the billboard mesh.

Also, if you choose the painted foliage lod setup on the import dialog with v8 SpeedTrees, it will set up dithered LOD for you.