I would like to be able to project from a world location, to a pixel location, on a SceneCaptureComponent’s render target, so I can render icons over a mini-map.
Currently, I am rendering mini-map icons as billboard components in the captured scene, but those Icons are cropped by the bounds of the MiniMapWidget.
I would like to be able to draw the Icons on top of the mini-map, and clamp them to the bounds of the mini-map, so they slide along the edge. To place the icons, I would need to project a 3D world location to a 2D location on the texture, and add that to the 2D coordinates of the mini-map to get the screen location where I would render the icon.
The problem is, as far as I know, you can only project to a HUD’s Canvas, and I have not found any functions for projecting to a SceneCaptureComponent2D.
so I’m asking for a SceneCaptureComponent2D::Project() function, exposed to blueprint,
and maybe a SceneCaptureComponent2D::Deproject() function as well.
(P.S. I would also love to know why a SceneCaptureComponent2D doesn’t have a mesh in the editor, like the Camera, so you can see where its pointing, or better yet: why even have a SceneCaptureComponent2D, when you could just make that an optional function for a camera?)