[Feature Request] Provide id on creative_object class, or make it <unique>

It would be very convenient to associate extra state with creative devices.
For agents we can use a map, but creative_device objects are not comparable and so can’t be used as map keys.

Ideally, it would be great to have an id on devices, as it would help with diagnostic logging as well.
However at minimum I think creative_object classes should have <unique> specifier.


Generally I would welcome a change where “unique” would move from being a specifier and become an interface instead. That interface would then require some form of Id. However, this won’t drive well with maps as it’s a built-in type with some strange constraints.

It’d be easier if there was a hashable interface and comparable becoming something like equatable as for dictionary like types we really need hashes, in other areas we check for equality, but not <, <=, =>, > comparison.

@djpixel Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.