Feature Request (Packed Blueprint Actors)

Hello there,

I was wondering if it would be possible to allow, when creating a packed level actor blueprint, that you can have static and skeletal meshes selected to combine at the smae time. I have run into this issue on a couple of occasions now. I have created a scene. As it evolves and things become more complex, sometime it is needed to combine these assets into a BP later one. When you try to pack them all at once, at the moment, you get an error on the skeletal mesh.

If I’m wrong, and this is doable now, can you please share how it is done?


I don’t think that’s possible with PLAs - they’re StaticMeshes only.

I have a tool on Fab, rdBPtools that creates prefabs which can contain skeletal meshes and any other type of actor along with fast instanced static meshes.