I’m working on a complicated Blueprint and want to organize attributes for better understanding.
By default Blueprint Editor allows us to organize attributes in categories. I saw several prebuilt blueprints, where attributes are placed in subcategories. For example, in the Third Person Blueprint, there’s a category ‘Pawn’ with a subcategory ‘Character’. I’ve inspected the attribute bPressedJump, it is placed in category ‘Pawn|Character’.

I’ve tried myself to place attributes in custom Category|Subcategory. It didn’t work… It creates category name ‘Category|Subcategory’. I suppose it can be achieved via C++.
Moreover, how to create attributes hidden under spoiler?

In C++ you add “AdvancedDisplay” specifier to UPROPERTY() and yes “|” creates subcategories if you use it in “Category” specifier. I guess this does not work just by typing in category Blueprint, i don’t think you can do dropdown in blueprint either. Lot of cosmetic features are exclusive to C++, you might consider posing feature request in feedback forum, other then that you need to use C++. Here you got list of specifier you can use in UPROPERTY:
You can get dropdown menus for enum properties, though the menu is annoyingly tiny (shows 2-3 entries) and you have to scroll all the time.
I thought about ENUMs, but then I have to create custom structures, etc. etc. too many labour work…
This topic can be marked as solved. UE4 version 4.10 at least supports subcategories.