[FEATURE REQUEST] Expose tire mods

Thank you Epic for working on it, we just need to be granted the public access to these APIs.

    # Applies off-road tires to the vehicle if applicable.
    ApplyOffRoadTires<epic_internal>():void = external {}

    # Reverts to road tires on the vehicle if applicable.
    RemoveTireMods<epic_internal>():void = external {}

@Knight_Breaker Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

@Knight_Breaker Hello!
Did you find any work around to use these functions? Or to be able to repair the tires using verse?

Thank you!

IIRC there were regular signal hooks exposed for this task. As a workaround I think you can use triggers until these methods are properly exposed to us.

That’s correct, it’s working, thank you :slight_smile:

Just a quick note, the “Repair All Tires” function doesn’t seem to work if the vehicle is equipped with off-road tires, but instead you can call “Remove Tire Modification” followed by “Apply Off Road Tires”, and they get repaired.

This seems like a bug unless it’s expected behaviour. However to make sure it is eventually addressed, please create a new bug report ticket for that use case. Anything vehicle related I really appreciate!