After playing a level from the animation blueprint with an object specified, the debug filter resets to ‘no debug object selected’. Request: the filter remembers the previous selection. Reproduce:
- Create a new 3rd person project
- Open the animation Content/Mannequin/Animations/ThirdPersonAnimBP
- Choose ‘ThirdPerson_AnimBP_C_0 in ThirdPersonCharacter’ for the debug filter
- Play then stop the level
The debug filter now has ‘No debug object selected’ selected, whereas under this request ‘ThirdPerson_AnimBP_C_0 in ThirdPersonCharacter’ would be selected.
Note: a minor bug was found while creating this request. After step 3, due to length of the selection, the debug filter is hidden under the arrow as the toolbar has become too long. After step 4, the debug filter is still hidden under the arrow even though it should now fit back on the toolbar. Clicking the arrow resolves the issue, revealing the debug filter.