I tried to use the new Blueprint to StaticMesh conversion tool and it’s not working with blueprints that have SplineComponents. I’m aware that it’s not something easy to do and the fact that Unreal has this tool is already something pretty nice but it would be very helpful to me (and probably more people) if splines were supported.
I assume you mean spline meshes now rather than spline component itself.
As far as I know, you can’t directly turn spline meshes into static meshes in editor but there is a workaround. You can place your blueprint actor in the middle of the level, select only it from the level and then go to editors File menu->Export selected. After that you can import the exported fbx back into editor as a static mesh or edit it with external tools.
Other alternative is to create the spline shape with procedural/runtime mesh component as they both support turning the generated mesh into static mesh from the editor.