I’d like to request the ability to reorder components at least within their current structure, this would allow me to better organize my child actors in the screenshot. I prefer to work with child actors nested in parent blueprints so as to allow for more simplistic visual scripting and simplified testing (ie if the missile tube system breaks it’s much easier to find the problem when it’s code is isolated from the player code aside from the one main interface.
even just a simple up and down re-organization system would be huge
I must agree, this has been a missing feature for many years, the list can get very clunky and difficult to manage, I have has some success by adding scene components and stacking inside them but still a simple reordering feature would be great.
agreed it sucks too when you add something and it reorders everything so a simple reordering system seems like a simple no brainer guess I’ll have to code a plugin for myself