[FEATURE REQUEST] - Add start/stop min/max values to landscape painter


Much appreciation for the tool. Hoping you can see how this might be useful.

Here in the landscape painters, you give us a tool-strength, falloff values, and the ability to set the painter to one specific value.

This is useful, no doubt, but I find myself always wanting to pack/channel-pack information to make apps/shaders more efficient. Particularly with being able to paint layers in, then out, like with auto-materials, requiring two channels. Instead of being able to set a target/single-value across the paint-head, being able to set the inner and outer values allows one to better control the falloff, but also isolate specific ranges in that alpha-painter. Currently, with falloff, it always paints towards 0, which can introduce skew and bleed when I really want 0.0 → 0.5 to paint out a layer and 0.51 → 1.0 to paint in that layer versus using two distinct alphas.

As well, one could splice up a single alpha into multiple ranges to pack (whatever) but like desert/sand is 0.0 → 0.1, dirt/mud is 0.11 → 0.2, puddles are 0.21 → 0.3, etc; all dependent on the underlying fidelity, yes, but you get it.

Overall, the application towards efficiency around landscapes could be improved, as well as extending creativity by freeing up resources otherwise using extensive layer-counts; alpha-channels now unused could do new things.

Auto-materials in particular would benefit as you have a thing/layer automagically applied by the shader and then, successively you will end up with a need for more of that there and less of it here, essentially doubling the alpha-count you might require. I know keeping channel-count low offers big returns, so essentially being able to take that kind of overhead away is appealing…

Thanks for the free set of tools and your consideration in this matter.