Currently there is no shortcut-key / hotkey to spawn a named reroute node in the material-editor UI.
Please add this!!
I suggest using the ‘N’ key.
Thanks for your consideration on this request.
Currently there is no shortcut-key / hotkey to spawn a named reroute node in the material-editor UI.
Please add this!!
I suggest using the ‘N’ key.
Thanks for your consideration on this request.
This feature does exist. It is not accessible through the editor preferences until you modify a config file. Once you modify the config file you can always change the keymapping within the editor preferences.
Navigate to and open the config file: …\Enging\Config\BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
Find “MaterialEditorSpawnNodes”
This is the list of all currently mapped Material Editor nodes. I have yet to encounter a node that I can not create a keyboard shortcut for. Follow the format of the previous nodes in the list and add the nodes you want a shortcut for. The Class of the node is the name of the node as displayed in the node Palette within the Material Editor. If you modify the config file with the project open, so you can view the node names, you will have close and restart for any changes to take effect.
I changed my Reroute to be a Named Reroute Declaration instead, since I double left-click on a route to add reroute pins when and where I need them.
+Node=(Class=/Script/Engine.MaterialExpressionReroute Key=R Shift=true Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=/Script/Engine.MaterialExpressionNamedRerouteDeclaration Key=R Shift=true Ctrl=false Alt=false)
Again, once you add a node to the list you should also be able to see this within the Editor Preferences under the Material Editor - Spawn Nodes list. From there you can remap the key if you find you do not like what you set it to without having to re-open the config file.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for the insight; this is why I like to ask the ‘dumb’ questions.
I will explore and try to write up a tutorial if I can make it work.