I’ve been doing a lot of BP scripting and a few little things bug me constantly. I would like to see:
- A bigger description box for functions/blueprints/macros. Perhaps some expandable box. I’ve taken to using comment boxes inside the graph because using the description box for more than a few words is a pain.
- Ability to reorder local variables. The variables seem to be placed in order by creation, which is hardly cleaner than random. Alphabetical would be okay.
- Ability to reorder functions/macros in libraries. Alphabetical would be okay. For example, I would like to be able to put the LinspaceLoop macros together in the image below.
- Ability to justify BP nodes on the right. When you move a node around it automatically snaps the top-left corner of the node to the grid. Things look a lot cleaner when they are justified by top-right corner. I find myself using the align-right tool so often that this would be a nice workflow improvement. I’m not sure of the best place to put this option. Perhaps in ProjectSettings.
- Reroute nodes in the material editor. PassThrough nodes just don’t cut it. It’s hard to keep a complex material from turning into spaghetti.
Finally, one little bug that occurs when you are trying to change parameter names in a function/macro. You can’t change the case of a letter without renaming the parameter first. For example, if I misspell an input “Forceinput” and try to change it to “ForceInput” it reverts automatically. This happens to me a lot.