Feature Film - SCHIRKOA in lies we trust


This is Ishan Shukla. The creator of the Epic Megagrant recipient feature film - "Schirkoa - in lies we trust’.

The film is set to world premiere at “International Film Festival of Rotterdam” in January 2024. (Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust - IFFR EN)

The fact that we are premiering at a highly prestigious non animation film festival warms my heart.

It’s been a decade long journey, and it would not have been possible without Unreal Engine and the wonderful Epic community. The trailer will be released after the world premiere.


Hi there @redd-cigarette,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

The images you’ve included are both beautiful and haunting. Taking a true look at any of the pictures and it becomes obvious that there’s so much depth to each scene. There’s emotion, artistry, and subtle hints to deeper meaning. I truly can’t wait for the film to release :slight_smile:

Good luck in these final weeks!

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Hi @PresumptivePanda

Thank you for such thoughtful words. The film is certainly an allegory of sorts. A slightly twisted attempt at modern dystopia.

I will continue to share more media and updates as and when they are ready!


I look forward to seeing those updates. :slight_smile: Happy developing in the meantime!

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Brilliant! Judging by how stellar each of the screenshots you’ve shared from the film is, both the trailer and the finished production must be just as stunning! :star_struck:

Thank you for introducing yourself and sharing this fantastic news with us in the forums. It must be so exhilarating to show your finished work at such a prestigious festival; congrats on making it this far in your journey! :tada:

Hi @Zezkaii

Thank you! I am glad you like the screenshots. It’s exhilarating and honestly- a relief, that I have crossed the finishing line. It’s been almost 6 years making this, and at many points it felt like an unending journey.

Here is a screenshot from the project itself.

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And here are few more :


Wow, six years. Thats beyond impressive. Just judging from the little pieces we’ve seen, its obvious that a ton of passion has gone into this project. I’m stoked to see the full film :slight_smile:



We just had the world premiere at the prestigious International film festival of Rotterdam - where it won the NETPAC award (Best Asian Feature Film). Here are some pictures from the premiere. All 3 shows were sold out.

We later had screenings at the Goteberg International Film Festival for its Nordic premiere where it was sold out as well!


And here is the trailer !

Deadline article:

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Youtube link:


It is simply amazing; I’m genuinely at a loss for words! When I initially saw your screenshots, I knew the trailer would be good, but this is phenomenal! A decade-long journey that is easily deserving of the NETPAC award! Congratulations on this huge win; it’s only up from here. :clap: :clap: :grin:

Thank you so much! Means a lot! Apart from the themes and the story, I really wanted to make sure it looks good! Unreal certainly gave me wings.

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Amazing work. Just saw Schirkoa in a movie theatre in Amsterdam. It feels like the technique you developed gave your fantasy lots of free roaming space, and that you put this to good use to tell the story.