FBXImport Error, Unable to triangulate mesh. Can't import fbx, what could be and how to fix it?

FBXImport: Warning: Unable to triangulate mesh ‘Table.Shape’: it will be omitted.
FBXImport: Error: Import failed.

tried both with build nanite enabled and disabled. both combine mesh on and off. both generate lighting UV on and off (I don’t need this option on but who knows if it matters)

what can I do?

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If it is a downloaded mesh from the internet, there might be some problems with it.

What often helps is to import the mesh into your 3D software of choice (e.g. blender) and re-export it.

So, i get the same problem and this my conclusion.

So somehow Unreal Cannot triagulate the unique topology (see the picture)

So, what i did, is i seperate the unique topology, and then add Triangulate modifier, and then apply it.

After that, go to face > Tris to Quads or simply press Alt + J delete diagonal edge.

And after that you can export it to Unreal.

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