FbxBuilder - Rebuilds FBX static mesh imports to retain original pivots!

@Stormwind - Are you working from UE4 source code? You need to work from that in order to use the fbxsdk.h. I had a bunch of trouble getting that to work…

Thank you, this looks great (especially when Max support comes). I tried it, but the plugin fails for me due to Engine incompatibility (I’m on UE4.10 so I’ll be sure to check back again soon).

This is a Godsend! Thanks so much!

awesome!!Thanks so much!

same here. I tried installing visual studio 2015 community. create a new c++ project. copy the plugin files, but the rebuild was not successful, the error says can’t find fbxsdk.h.

I am not a programmer, could anyone shred some lights?


after installing the fbxsdk and edit the include directory of the game project, I need to click rebuild to refresh the settings (guess). I was clicking build everytime and never get pass the fbxsdk.h thing.

however, now there is a new problem

1>Z:\Unreal Projects\fbxBuilderTest\Plugins\FbxBuilder\Source\FbxBuilder\Private\FbxBuilderMatineeImport.cpp(354): error C2653: ‘FbxPropertyAttr’: is not a class or namespace name
1>Z:\Unreal Projects\fbxBuilderTest\Plugins\FbxBuilder\Source\FbxBuilder\Private\FbxBuilderMatineeImport.cpp(354): error C2065: ‘eAnimatable’: undeclared identifier
1> -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
1>ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: Z:\Unreal Projects\fbxBuilderTest\Plugins\FbxBuilder\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-FbxBuilder.dll
1> Total build time: 104.37 seconds
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(42,5): error MSB3075: The command ““Z:\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat” fbxBuilderTestEditor Win64 Development “Z:\Unreal Projects\fbxBuilderTest\fbxBuilderTest.uproject” -rocket -waitmutex -2015” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

update 2:
found sth interesting in the readme file of the fbxsdk, which says" FbxPropertyAttr members have been merged into FbxPropertyFlags for consistency."
so i change FbxPropertyAttr to FbxPropertyFlags in the fbxbuilderMatineeImport.cpp and it sort of works

but then

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘libfbxsdk.lib’
1> -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
1>ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: Z:\Unreal Projects\fbxBuilderTest\Plugins\FbxBuilder\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-FbxBuilder.dll

found this file in the sdk folder, maybe need to include the path for this file as well, keep trying.

Any possibility for a sketchup fbx import…

I chose this project, thanks to the user macoywen for the tip. But when you run the UE, or some error appears the project: error.PNG.
Can anyone suggest a solution?
VS2013, version unreal with the most recent github.
Thank you for attention.

i build it from a project since I don’t have the source code of the engine. You might try it that way.

Is there a way to make the plugin work with the newest version of the engine?

Source code is not compatible with new versions of UE4 :frowning:

@ Thanks for this library, could you update it to make it work on the latest version of UE4? I can’t compile because a lot of things have changed for plugins implementations.

Dear ,

first of all: you are awesome! I had this pivot point problem since I started using ue4.
Your video is awesome as well! Sad thing is that I use 4.16.2 right now and I can’t use your plugin.

Can’t even star it, just error msg and gone…

Will you update you awesome plugin for the latest engine? Will be a big help!

Wainting your reply!

amazing, do you happen to know such a plug in for blender ?

almost 2018. Is this plug-in still needed for UE4? I’m pulling hairs trying to get my fbx to import correctly and preserve the mesh origin. Either 1. Origin isn’t in the center of mesh where I want it to be, or 2. Scale ends up really small.

and now its 2020… Is this still an issue? Im new to UE4 and cant seem to figure out how to import an FBX while preserving the pivots.

For anyone else wondering, Datasmith was successful but it was more intended for archvis and I had to do clean up afterward for directories.

If I’m mistaken on the proper workflow, someone please let us know, but I’m really curious how pros in the industry do this. Creating an entire scene in a modeling program then having to zero-out every single asset seems unnecessarily inefficient.