FBX SDK 2016.1 problem/bug in 4.10/4.11/4.12Preview

I’ve entered UE-31228 for this to be investigated further. Recreating and trying to reproduce the issue with a new asset has yet to be possible.

Thank you!

You mean with another asset not provided in this thread? But glad you were able to reproduce it :slight_smile:

I’m also having this problem at work. we’re using Max 2014 which means I can only export up to FBX 2014

I got the same error “Mesh [Geometry have no name]” and next to it a link to Docs which threw me a private UDN page

any news on this issue?


Just got the same “Mesh [Geometry have no name] in the fbx file is not reference by any hierarchy node.” error with two of my models. For me ticking the Triangulate checkbox solved the problem. As you already did this, it might not be related to your problem, but I wanted to post this because this bug report is the first entry in google if you search for the warning.

Using ASCII instead of binary in the FBX exporter did the trick for me

Hi Chosker,

The bug report listed for this post was marked as By Design: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-31228)

The developers mentioned this: The user probably exported only the mesh shape without the transform node. We don’t support importing a fbx mesh attribute that is not at least the attribute of one node. If I re-export the fbx properly I can import it with no problem.

The following message is describing the issue (the geometry name is taken from the parent node which is null in this file):
FBXImport:Warning: Warning Mesh [Geometry have no name] in the fbx file is not referenced by any hierarchy node.

We don’t support importing floating fbx mesh attribute because we have some of the import options that need this parent node.

There are a few suggestions in this thread on how to fix the asset on your end.

Have you tried adding a simple cube in 3dsMax then attaching the problem asset to the cube then deleting the cube mesh element in edit poly modifier?


Using ASCII instead of binary in the FBX exporter?



I experienced the same issue exporting with Maya 2014 - I managed to fix it with “delete history”+“freeze Transform” + assigning Lambert 1 (there was a higher lambert assigned to it) + creating UVs; I guess one of those steps or all of them did the trick.

That worked here too, should be marked best answer I guess!

This is just a workaround. Not the correct answer. The correct fix is to use Y-Axis as Up-Axis for the FBX-Export Dialog instead of the Z-Axis.
This is what is mentioned in the unreal issue tracker (as by design) but it is a bug as Z-Up seems to work with ascii-export. It is still open to either fix this bug! or check if the FBX-SDK is failing and writing the wrong settings into the file.

I just ran into the same issue and found your post looking for a solution. Using the “triangulate” checkbox from the FBX export worked for me as well, so thank you!