Fbx import results different (broken) in 4.10 vs 4.9.2

So im currently working on this little project game to learn all this and started with 4.9.2 very recently. I have my own rigs that I wanted to get into the engine, they have plenty of extra joints to improve deformation quality. That bit was pretty easy and the engine took my heavy rigs quite well. So on friday I bought this big movement animation package from the marketplace and retargeted it to my maya rig for re-export back onto my own skeleton (It needs to go through maya for all the auxiliary joints) All of that worked perfectly fine, I only did a quick automated batch retarget so most of the animations need some proper polishing by a real animator, but it worked for my purposes, everything went fine into UE4 and I was happy working on some character motion controller and all that fun… BUT NOW! …

A few days ago I switched to 4.10 and kept working on that… today I decided to edit my current jump loop animation as I was using the one from the UE4 3rd person project which didnt match my other animations. So I go to maya to grab one of the jump starts from the pack as a starting point … do my thing and set some keys … retarget and export the rig like I always do (wrote some python utilities to automate that) and try bringing that fbx back into UE 4.10. BUT!
Once inside the animation was barely there, some twisted joints and a skewed bind pose and some wiggle… thats all I got. Also the import took quite a bit longer than I was used to from 4.9.2. It displayed some secondary progress bar saying “importing animation track for [bone N etc.etc.]” And took about 25 seconds to import.
Heres where it gets crazy:

I thought it was some setting I forgot in my fbx export parameters in maya so I tried some different things. Apparently the first time I exported with the 2016 signature of fbx, surprisingly that did import into UE without crashing it, but the animation was nevertheless, broken.
So I tried it in 4.9.2 with the same file and surprise surprise, it imported perfectly fine and displayed correctly and the import was almost instantaneously. Then I went a little further and exported it back from UE 4.9.2 to fbx and imported that new export to UE 4.10. and now that one displayed correctly too.
Means that I have a workaround for now but its quite a strange thing so I wanted to report that here.

In case you want it to help you debug:
Thats a folder with both the original maya exported fbx and the fbx that I got from importing the maya one into 4.9.2 and then back out and then to 4.10.

[removed file]

Heres some images showing the difference between the correct and the broken results:

[removed images]

uhhh sorry about that, copied this message from my forum post and forgot to update links. here you go:

[removed file]

Hi Adeptus,

I am getting a 404 error when I click any of your links. Please check to make sure these are still active. If they are, let me know, it may be an issue on our end.



In order to import animations with joints only, there must be a skinned skeletal mesh already present in the Engine. Please send an FBX of the skinned skeletal mesh in order to examine this further. (Note: Maya 2016 is not officially supported and, if that is what you are generating your fbx files from, that may be the reason I only saw the skeletal data since we are currently only up to Maya 2015 here.)

… Even though Maya 2016 has the Export to Unreal option, its still not officially support by Epic? Is that coming soon?

Not “officially,” but I’m not sure that being exported from 2016 is the issue here. If [Adeptus] can send me a skinned version of [his] character that I can open in 2015, I’ll be happy to continue to look into this issue. (An FBX should be fine, but I didn’t know if the two samples you sent were skinned since all I saw were animated joints and no geometry.) [Edited]


I highly doubt m 2016 is the issue too because i have been using it ever since and all has been fine.
No the two samples form the .zip were just animated skeleton.s
here is a .fbx with the skinned model
[removed file] so you can test it out.


Any luck here? This is acutally spiralling a bit out of control for me. I just discovered that UE4 doesnt export the skeleton animation fbx files with scale, even if they had scale originally. This is a major bug guys, it needs to be solved please. Its forcing me to downgrade my projects back to 4.9

Heres what happens:
When I make a skeleton animation in maya and have scale channels animated, uniformly or non uniformly doesnt matter, UE4 supports non uniform too. Then import that to UE 4.9.2 it all works fine. If I import to UE 4.10 obviously Im getting the above mentioned so I cant directly import. But If I want to use my workaround and import to 4.9.2 and then export back out. 4.9.2 doesnt export any scale channels. This is plain wrong as according to your docs the engine should fully support that. That also means to export scale channels back out to fbx!

[removed file]

Im really wondering why this hasnt been brought up by any serious developers yet…

Hi Adeptus,

Thank you for providing all requested files. I was able to reproduce the FBX import issue as you described for UE 4.10 and entered the corresponding bug report: JIRA [UE-23819]. When this issue has been addressed we will update this post in order to notify you and the Answerhub community.

Again, thanks for your contribution towards improving UE4.


thats excellent news !
thanks a lot, Ill take the files offline now as they arent meant to be public. Let me know if you need anything else.


Any update on this from Epic?
I ran into this issue on a project as we moved from 4.9.2 to 4.10.1.
We saw that code changes in the importer are minimal so re-compiled the editor moving back from the FBX 2016.1.1 library to FBX 2014.2.1 and that solved the problem. We have not yet tried the newer version of FBX 2016.1.2.

We were able to repro missing or incorrect rotations on simple animated assets exported to animation FBX files using FBX file format version 2014 and 2016 from both Maya 2015 and 2016.

This has not been reported fixed as of yet but has not been forgotten.

Great thanks!

Any update on this? It appears fixed in 4.11 preview 8 at a glance, but I haven’t seen mention of UE-23819 in release notes for 4.11 previews.

I’ve re-tested this per the repro steps and assets provided to submit the bug report JIRA [UE-23819] in UE4.11p8 and the issue persists. However, this has not officially been marked resolved. Once it has, we will update this post.

This has been has been resolved and tested using repro steps and assets used when submitting bug report JIRA [UE-23819]. Look for this fix listed in the release notes for the official UE4.11 Release.