I am trying to experiment with FBX data being imported to the content browser. Specifically this method in “FbxStaticMeshImport.cpp”:
bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::BuildStaticMeshFromGeometry(FbxMesh* Mesh, UStaticMesh* StaticMesh, TArray<FFbxMaterial>& MeshMaterials, int LODIndex,
EVertexColorImportOption::Type VertexColorImportOption, const TMap<FVector, FColor>& ExistingVertexColorData, const FColor& VertexOverrideColor)
Ideally I would like to access this from a plugin so as to not have to change source code. Is this possible? Been searching for awhile and haven’t been able to get it working.
I have extended the editor toolbar with a button and would like that button to work the same way as the content browser ‘Import’ button works but with my modified fbx import code. However, I can’t seem to find a way to access the above method other than changing the source.
Any ideas/help?
Thanks in advance!