FBX import plugin question


I am trying to experiment with FBX data being imported to the content browser. Specifically this method in “FbxStaticMeshImport.cpp”:

bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::BuildStaticMeshFromGeometry(FbxMesh* Mesh, UStaticMesh* StaticMesh, TArray<FFbxMaterial>& MeshMaterials, int LODIndex,
													  EVertexColorImportOption::Type VertexColorImportOption, const TMap<FVector, FColor>& ExistingVertexColorData, const FColor& VertexOverrideColor)

Ideally I would like to access this from a plugin so as to not have to change source code. Is this possible? Been searching for awhile and haven’t been able to get it working.

I have extended the editor toolbar with a button and would like that button to work the same way as the content browser ‘Import’ button works but with my modified fbx import code. However, I can’t seem to find a way to access the above method other than changing the source.

Any ideas/help?

Thanks in advance!


Neither the FFBXImporter class nor the method you mention are exported from the module. If you don’t want to modify the engine source, all you can do is:

  1. Make use of only the methods marked as UNREALEDAPI; or
  2. Copy and paste the code you need into your own module.

I was afraid of that…

Thank you for the answer though! :slight_smile: