I have a fbx model which I cannot import into the Unreal Engine 4.5.1 because the program crashes everytime during the import process. I tried everything. I merged object groups, changed UV coordinates etc. Nothing helps. I exported the model also as an obj version. This model crashes the Engine too.
For this reason it must be bug in the Unreal Engine. Every other 3D program has no problem with this model.
If you like I can send you the model for further investigations.
can I send you a private message with the link to the model? In the meantime I disabled any import option in the advanced settings tab of the FBX import settings. Now I can import the model. But I guess this could be a bug in the engine.
It’s not so stupid, I thought that you know how to do it Anyway if you already solved the problem maybe it’s not important anymore. I just want to try it.