I want to export a model with vertex colors for sculpting in 3Dcoat. I have exported this before I’m sure. Now I can’t export fbx at all, no matter what I try. Paths are without strange characters, file size is tested to be very small. It just stps halfway through and never finishes.
If FBX is broken any other way to get vertex colors exported?
Hi Robbit, which version of RealityCapture are you using?
How big model are you trying to export? What are your export settings? Is the other format working for you?
Is this also happening after application reset?
Hello, Im using the latest version. I tried different resolutions, from 100 million polys down to 10 million (same model). It seems to break at generating the vertex colors. Textures are written to disk fine and a couple of GB that might be the mesh.
Obj is working fine for me. I just want the colors though.
I havent done a reset. Where do I do that and will it affect anything?
100 M tris mesh should be possible to export.
Are you exporting on local disk?
Can you also share your export settings? As far as I know there is also option for OBJ to export the vertex colors. Or do you mean something else? I suppose that the vertex colors are generated during the texture process… How do you know this is causing the issue?
For reset open RealityCapture with pushed SHIFT and choose the option Make it like a clean install. This will set all the settings to their original state and you will need to login again.
Im just guessing its the vertex colors, but It might not be. If I turn off export colors it still doesent export it. But It saves a large file around 1.5 GB and the textures to disk and then it stops.
Obj works fine and it does export the vertex colors. But 3D coat wants it in a FBX file it doesent read the colors in obj format.