OK, I’ve done a quick video showing how to fix (or workaround) this using Blender : UE5 | FBX Animation Import Error - YouTube
This is still broken for reimporting animation.
Not fixed properly in 5.1
Worked for me. Thanks
I’ve spent 3 hours trying different methods, migrating from 4 help but you still can’t use that animation it said missing skeleton even it’s exist. So check my settings, maybe it works for someone
I have imported the animation in IClone and then I have re-exported the animation to import it in Unreal and it worked.
Hero. This worked as well. Looks like from the frame data it was a .99 dec that was causing the import issue as many have noted. This was from importing Mocap data from Xsens.
eestrada.globant2’ solution is the closest that worked for me. I also had the issue where half the animation was missing. This is with UE 5.1.1, and animations from actorcore. I have Reallusion’s plugin enabled, but I’m not sure it’s actually necessary. I’m importing the animation only, as the skeleton is already imported, and the .fbx file only contains the animation. I’m drag and dropping the .fbx and .json file into a folder.
When the Import Animation dialog comes up:
- Under Mesh, set the skeleton to the previously imported one.
- Animation: Animated Time
- Snap to Closest Frame Boundary: [X] (check it)
- Import all
- Cancel when the DataTable stuff comes up. (as per a youtube vid, not sure what this does)
- The Log will say it trimmed a frame or something like that, and will show the adjusted time.
This also worked at 60 fps, for animations downloaded at 60fps from the actor core site.
Hello guys, I see that there is no definitive solution for this problem in UE5 yet, but I have a method to make all the animations work that I discovered, the only problem is that it is a tedious “solution”. UE4 does not have this problem when importing animations, so it accepts them without problem, what I do is explore the animation already imported in UE4, and copy the animation in “.uasset” format to the folder where I need it in UE5, also entering from the file explorer. (it’s just moving a file from one folder to another, we never use the unreal importer). When I have the animation already inside the project, you just have to open it and it will tell you that it needs to be assigned a skeleton, we choose the skeleton we want and that’s it, problem solved. It is not the best solution but it gets you out of trouble.
@Ivanzak19 @Online_Learner_ePO4R
can you please share some example .fbx you have problem with?
anyone tried it on 5.2, any progress on this issue?
5.2.1 and yes - the issue is still there - super annoying!
i just selected animated and scaled up from maya changed size cm to meters
To me that worked as well, I’ve exported an animation at 455 frames 30fps, divided 455 by 60fps and then multiplied by 30fps and worked. The Number I got was 227,5 so I typed 228 and the animation was imported.
I have the same issue with the target frame rate locked to 1920 fps (UE 5.3.2), but it only happens if i re-import or overwrite an old animation that i haven’t modified for a long time. My solution in case anyone else stumbles on the same thing:
- import the animation “fresh” in a temp folder
- replace the reference of the old version with the new version
- fix redirectors, move the animation back into the original folder…
Not ideal, but that’s all I could figure out
Instead of Frame import range, Snap to closest frame & Use default Sample Rate worked for me.
Try changing settings from Exported Time to Animation Time in Unreal Engine 5, worked for me
in the import animation options page,find Animation > Advanced > Snap to Closest Frame Boundary make sure of this option was select, the animation will be import