Fatal Error when Joining session [Steam Advanced Sessions]

Fatal Error when joining session [Steam Advanced Sessions]

I’ve been working with Steam Advanced Sessions on a multiplayer project, and the player was able to create and join games just fine in previous builds and tests. I have very little clue as to what could be causing this fatal error, as I haven’t really touched the blueprints that create the session and join the session.

Right now, creating and finding sessions is working, but after joining(post Event HandleStartingNewPlayer triggers), the player has loaded into the map, but instantly crashes, with a fatal error that doesn’t give much information. I’ve scraped through the logs and crash report but can’t seem to find anything that points to the error.

Here is the pastebin link to a log on the server end Log file open, 01/02/25 22:26:39LogWindows: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLa - Pastebin.com

If anyone else has this issue, the solution for me was to remove the ‘Is Player In Session’ node from Advanced Sessions, as I was checking that value when joining a game and it crashed when I was in a session and retrieving that value.

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