Fatal Error On Shipping Build : Index Out Of Bounds

Hi all,
I’ve made a few builds of my project successfully, with the last being one built right before Christmas. These builds have worked flawlessly. However, yesterday I built out and it throws this error on loading a non menu world :

Screenshot - efb090b636f7e84fd62388ae8c83d407 - Gyazo (edited due to no image showing)

This occurs after a player map has loaded, and the game will run about one second with player frozen in T-Pose not animating before throwing the error. I thought the issue was coming from the player, and reverted all of the player classes back to the functioning commit. This did not fix the issue, which makes me worried. I’ve made a large number of changes since my December builds, and most of them are blueprint only, with very few changes to C++ classes. I don’t want to lose a few weeks progress, but I will revert to the last functioning build if I cannot resolve this.

Thanks in advance,


EDIT : Rebuilt using 64 bit, thinking maybe this was a memory constraint issue, and the build played through perfectly. Built another time in 32 bit again, and it suddenly is working. So, what this was caused by, I’m not sure. Maybe it was a malfunction with my pc or building in 64 bit refresh a corrupted blueprint node or something strange.

Hey DeepFriedCircuits,

Please review [this link][1] and the suggestions provided. Let me know if they resolve your issue or not. If they do not, please see if your project has the same issue in Development.


4.7p5 Lightmass crashed - Assertion failed - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hey DeepFriedCircuits,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply, I haven’t checked this post for a few days. It hasn’t shown the error since, and I’ll save that link to try in case it starts back up.

